Donnie Tyndall looks like an adult baby.
Donnie Tyndall looks like an adult baby.
No one at Deadspin has been to Memphis. They lost out on the Rock n’ Roll hall of fame to CLEVELAND and put a Bass Pro Shop there instead. Garbage city.
You’re not proving them wrong.
Perhaps you are the stupid one?
If we’re to believe a certain other soccer columnist here, this is all because the MLS doesn’t have promotion/relegation.
Maddon’s just pissed that he won't get to show off his sweet new rig.
His agent couldn't swing the extra $351?
Santacin is worse if you actually encounter it, but is usually easy to avoid.
I love Rusty Justice, but that Dragonwagon bracket is absolutely stacked.
Come on, even the MLS isn’t fielding Rattata and Magikarp.
I've done dry months a couple times and it ends up making me judgier about friends. Everyone drinks to different degrees and shows their intoxication differently. I was fine in bars mostly, but it definitely makes me want to avoid a few friends that drink more heavily and have tendencies to show their asses when drunk.
I’ll respect the hell out of anyone who gives up drinking. People who clearly bought into their high school health class about the dangers of drinking are tedious.
I don’t know whether it’s fair to call him a “Real Republican”, if we’re talking policy.
I changed my username from “Pearls of Wisdom” after Bruce left the University in disgrace. Guess it’s time for another change.
I only recently found out that Jeb’s actual name is “John Ellis Bush”. As some that cannot stand ATM Machine, PIN Number or SSN #, fuck this moron.
There is not.
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