Thank you for using real homemade Chex Mix with Cheerios rather than those shitty tooth-shattering brown discs.
Thank you for using real homemade Chex Mix with Cheerios rather than those shitty tooth-shattering brown discs.
I think 95% of the bruises I got from 5 years of fencing were when sacrificing my body to take a point from a beginner in foil who had no concept of distance or right-of-way.
My father is 61 years old. He was born in Detroit and grew up in rural Tennessee, but became a Cubs fan from watching them on WGN. He passed that onto me. One of the saddest things I think about now as an adult is that he has lived that long and never even seen the Cubs in the World Series. He had a stroke and a…
Round 1, "Crudites"
Well I'm on the West Coast, so it's pretty exciting to think that a game between the Bills and Jag-you-arrs will already be over by the time I wake up.
Does your Super Bowl party also have bowls of Gushers and Fruit by the Foot?
I have a real conundrum here actually because homemade chex mix where you drown it in Worcestershire and don't have those stale brown circles is a runaway favorite. Bagged chex mix kind of sucks.
I'm assuming there is no charcuterie here because there's no competing with a plate of meat.
Crudite is the only term more easily dismissed as a "snack" than "veggie tray". Doomed either way.
Those 2-in-1 shorts are the best purchase I've made in my few years of half-assed running.
Well then be my guest not wearing your figurative dead dad's rhetorical pocket watch.
The wedding ring is a given and a dead dad's pocket watch is a god damned lie and you know it. Take off the vest and especially the goggles and top hat.
"Can" and "should" are different. We CAN wear whatever we want. Whether we SHOULD depends on whether we give a shit about what other people think about us, which most of us as adults do.
Thanks for proving Gray isn't the only racist moron!
I'm assuming he meant "non-offensive" to mean "acceptable to virtually everyone", not as a slight. I hope. There are plenty of beers that are world-class that can still have detractors simply due to personal taste. Plenty of Belgians, stouts, sours, IPAs, etc. fall into that. But if you don't like SNPA, you…
He just wrote a column about Sierra Nevada's Pale Ale. I think that more or less covers it.
No one ever mentions geography, either. Great Britain is a little over half the size of California. More than 70 Englands could fit into the US. Part of the reason relegation/promotion works is because fanbases have a much easier time being mobile. The distance between Man U and Arsenal is about half the UK, yet…
"Billy Haisley complains about the lack of relegation in the MLS" should have its own subsite.
I'm fine with complaints at bars whose taplists are like half-IPA. There's no problem with not liking IPAs, or with liking them but wanting alternatives. I hate the whole "I don't like IPAs so I'm going to shit on everyone that does" bullshit, which occurs in EVERY. SINGLE. ARTICLE. And this guy's first comment is…
A slow cooker is one of the best ways to spend $30. So many great options with tons of leftovers and minimal effort. I only started about half a year ago, but do chili, stews, carnitas, curry, roasts, and tomato sauce in it fairly regularly. You have to plan ahead and wake up a little early in the morning, but it's…