Barnes Burner

There is a huge gap in "one date" and "hooked up a couple times". If you've "hooked up" and they're contacting you again, you probably owe them at least a courtesy "thanks, but no thanks". Even after just one date, unless you got some seriously bad vibes (seen above), a response is a nice courtesy.

"Entitled" is tricky there. I think a "thanks but no thanks" is polite, but you also shouldn't get too worked up about not getting a message in response after the first date. That was their first actual interaction with you, I don't think it's a horrible sleight for them to have decided to move on without getting

The NFL states that he downplayed what happened in the elevator. Ray Rice disagrees. The NFL justified increasing Rice's suspension by saying not just that they hadn't seen the tape, but that Rice had misled them about how bad it was. Since the increased penalty was for lying, he's making the case that he told them

Not entirely.

"I don't believe in domestic violence, but I will say: any woman who can hit a man, a man shouldn't have to sit there and take the abuse."

The internet REACTS after three planes crash in a coordinated attack on American soil

I reactivated last week. This was my FIRST visitor. Came close to just shutting it down immediately. I mean, COME ON? 25%?

Not bothering to read what's new. It's different and I'm complaining.

We're all angry that the NFL and the Ravens didn't act sooner and that the initial punishment was too lenient.

Christ Goodell, how many times did you masturbate to that video?

I had a Tepache from Reverand Nat's a couple weeks ago - made with pineapple rather than apple. It was pretty damn tasty. I've been meaning to make it up to their tasting room.

Is 31 really below zero in Canada?

I like a really good pumpkin beer, but far too many of them taste a lot more like cinnamon, ginger, and allspice poured haphazardly into a beer than they do like actual pumpkin.

My brother was twice attacked by his (now ex) wife. The first time, she hit him across the back with a pool cue. The second time she stood in front of the exit to their bedroom and swung at him any time he attempted to leave. He had to throw her into a closet door just to get out. It's a really shitty Christmas

I would've expected this from Papa John, but not you DiGiorno.

All I can hope is that this was just a test to see if these assholes have learned a damn thing, that they've been proven unworthy and that Penn State gets the death penalty tomorrow.

Hell yeah. This and Brown Shugga have been my favorite widely available seasonals. Sucks is a great beer to give to people that "don't like IPAs because they're too hoppy". It's a really good example of what a West Coast IPA is today - complex and kind of fruity. Very different from what the old ideas of the West

Baltimore has a serious Rays problem.

If you're conflicted about actually having a moment of good will towards the Ravens, don't worry - their most beloved player in team history did still kill two people.

At the same time, I doubt it's going to encourage the people of Atlanta to come to games after the owner has basically stated that black people are too poor for Hawks games, so they need to cater more to the racist-ass rednecks. Not really winning any new fans there.