
Guys, we get it, you don’t like this taxi company.

There is a guy at work who just has to slurp his coffee.....every sip....really loudly! He also eats like a fucking pig, like he is slapping his food around inside his mouth with his mouth open. Sitting in the cafeteria at 4am and listening to this hoss makes me want to throw him though the bloody window......then go

Before I go to bed, I’m going to plug every orifice and breathe through a scuba tank from here on out. Thanks, Obama Gizmodo.

Well. Fuck.

You are a fuckwit. A complete and total braindead shitbag. People that are pro choice, are not necessarily pro abortion. It means that they understand that one person does not get to dictate the choices of another. It means that your personal, fucked up belief structure, doesn’t get to ruin the life of someone else. I

Too bad the GOP stops caring after they are born.

I sure hope your unborn child isn’t a girl, because you helped elect someone who demeans, degrades and assaults women.

I hope your wife reads this and leaves you, God help your child

The answer is as simple as it is sinister. Russian government gives less then two shits about its citizens. I mean, there is no regard for ANY humanitarian issues and zero interest or incentive in addressing them. Since 90% of country’s income depends on exploitation of its natural resources it won’t bat an eye as

So do you not feel that posting this video here....just promotes more idiots like this to go out and do this because you gave them fame for doing dumb shit.


The White Walkers