
I feel like I need to give Saga another try. I read the first issue and wasn't into it, but who knows. The Wicked and The Divine is easily one of my favorite comics of the last decade. Haven't tried the others yet. I'd say, yeah, Image is the most consistent for creator owned stories, while Valiant is the most

Yeah, I agree on Kirkman. I'm super sad that he has two TV shows based on his comics but the excellent Revival's TV series fell through just because of a show with a "similar" plot.
I really can't think of a bad book I've read by them recently. Kill or Be Killed, The Autumnlands, Seven to Eternity, The Black Monday

I haven't got around to DC Rebirth yet (it's next on my list after Valiant) but Image might as well be "company that puts out every other book I read." Their output of quality creator first content is just vast.

Eh, I'm too busy enjoying catching up on Valiant (I missed all of their 2012 relaunch up until now and it's really, really good) to worry about having to read a Millar book for good art.

Yeah. It's a lot of little things and while I agree it's probably the best adaptation one could expect, that doesn't mean it's what I would consider good. It's just one of those properties that I didn't see the point in filming it at all.

Yeah, when you know Millar isn't righting satire and how he thinks on stuff, well, his work is more than a little sickening. I too haven't read anything from him in a while. I've heard his done some good non nihilistic hateful stuff but I don't care.

There's something wrong when his Batman acts the way he does, yet he says you can't find a more pure hero than Batman. Like I can read a book about a superhero who violently beats people up and has his own moral code and thinks he's above the law but when you start stating that you think the guy is wholesome? Wow.

Emmerich's Godzilla is a big dumb fun bad movie. Edwards' Godzilla is probably the better made, better acted of the two but wow is it boring. Not even that third act that everyone says is so good saves it.

Yeah, it was around that time when he started writing All-Star Batman and Robin and only his most die-hard supporters stuck with him. He's just alway been a racist, fascist, sexist dickhead, all that post-9/11 stuff just made him be a lot louder about it. The Spirit is kind of charming compared to stuff like Holy

Oh, fuck See Spot Run. My uncle made me see that instead of Hannibal. Ugh.

The one theme that I can saw without a doubt he didn't gel with is that the book is against violence while the movie seems to celebrate it, trying to make it look as cool as possible.

That movie is a hidden gem, especially the guy playing the janitor.

Maybe you'll like it more than I did. Someone else I know is really enjoying it. At the very least the first episode is one of my favorite "so bad, it's good" monster movies, Reptilicus.

Haha, I saw that movie three times in the theater. It might be bad, but it's damn fun, especially "Magic Hour!" McConaughey.

They're… they're not. :(

I'll go with the only film I've walked out of due to quality: The Tuxedo starring Jackie Chan and Jennifer Love Hewitt. I love Jackie Chan but damn do most of his American films suck.

I'm not sure there wasn't a time when Miller was insane and hacky. Like you look back at his older work and all the things that are awful about him now are still there, we just know how to look for them now.
(Also The Spirit may be awful, but it is hilarious as a bad movie.)

There's an interesting article that I can't find right now that states how a lot of the problems with that film were actually things forced on him rather than his decisions and he was basically told do the job and don't rock the boat or we'll get someone else. This includes having the good guys be white people.

Ah, the first movie I saw in the theater with my ex-wife. Also when I learned my lesson that if the directors of a film have only directed special effects work before and are claiming that they're gonna give the fans what they really want with a hard R, it's probably gonna suck worse than the previous film. Which, how

I don't think it's a good movie, I just wanted to jump on the Hot Fuzz reference.