
Will Smith is Jimi Hendrix as Satan in Winter's Tale.

I really, really enjoyed the first part, especially being a big fan of Event Horizon. Then the second part happened. Satan just sitting there roaring constantly while the Doctor parrots his non-existent dialog and then some bullshit about Rose is the most important thing ever.

I have never been more happy to side with critics over the general public than I have with that movie. That ending is so fucking good.

I swear I'm going to find some way to work in a reference to "why are you closing this curiosity door?" in conversation at least once a week.

It's not a film reference but a lot of people spotted dead on the Silent Hill vibe of The Upside Down before the creators actually talked about it. (Which I guess would lead back to a film reference since Silent Hill pulls from David Lynch and Jacob's Ladder.)

That's funny because before I even watched the first couple of minutes of Brad Jones' Midnight Screenings video to get just the basics of what he and Alison Pregler thought, my recommended videos were flooded with these annoying reviews. I don't even recall viewing anything Ghostbusters related recently. Maybe

It did but not as much. To be honest, I liked that one better than the original.

THANK YOU! It even has only one actor in each who has decided to enjoy themselves, although one decided to chew scenery, the other decided to act like he doesn't give a damn. (Though Don "two you things you don't know about the Earth" Frye has said in interviews that he had a great time on set so maybe that's just

Well, thanks for reminding me of The Fisher King. Movies about PTSD and BPD sound like the perfect way to depress myself for an afternoon. (Both are really great movies. I was kind of sad when everyone was talking about Mrs. Doubtfire and Patch Adams when Williams passed and I was like "fuck you! he did some amazing

Not only that, it's already been ruined! I like the cartoons alright (even Real Ghostbusters got shafted in the second half of its run) but damn Ghostbusters II is a pretty poor movie. These people also knew they were never getting Ghostbusters 3 or that "soft reboot" idea that somehow makes it better. Bill Murray,

Something something Thor…

Final Wars literally hurts my eyes to look at. Kitamura's decision to shoot digital and them rub fake film grain all over the screen and try to make it look like the sun is exploding in every scene really detracts on what could be brainless fun. That and you can really tell he didn't want to make a Godzilla movie. He

I fucking love Jet Jaguar. I'm not being sarcastic. He may be their (other) attempt at making an Ultraman clone but damn Godzilla vs Megalon is a fun movie to watch and that robot with his stupid grin is a big part of it.

I'm just going to say it one more time and then never say it again (until the next reboot mess starts up): I've lived through two Hollywood Godzilla reboots. I love Godzilla more than anyone loves anything. You know what? I watched the movie, decided my opinion and moved on. I enjoy the 1998 movie as a fun bad movie

I'm sorry but the list is incomplete without Kung Pow: Enter the Fist.
(I'm joking, the movie makes me laugh uncontrollably most of the way through, but it's not a good movie.)

Yeah, as someone who has some of those dark fucked up thoughts and sometimes nigh-uncontrollable anger issues, that movie is not a comedy.

I will second Black Swan as being one of the funniest movies ever. I'm not sure if it's because my ex-wife and I watched it being huge Aronosfky fans (The Fountain is one of my favorite movies and everything else he did before Black Swan was solid filmmaking) but it was just so self-important and the acting and

I'd say Stardust is Matthew Vaughn's funniest (and best) film. I thought after that and Layer Cake I'd be really sold on him as a director, but everything after has either been above average (First Class) or fun in short bursts but tiring overall (both of his Mark Millar adaptations.)

I still can't watch Super as a comedy. I love dark comedies but Super just made me depressed.

Will Arnett's Batman alone is worth a spot on this list.