
I didn't think it was that great the first time but it was fun enough. This has been a weird week. I didn't hate Batman V Superman (it was still bad, but I had more fun with it than I should have) and I got bored and turned off a Star Wars movie. (That's never happened before, by the way, even with The Phantom Menace.)

Jesus, no. That movie was gut wrenching enough for me. Giving other people's kids nightmares is fine, but having to deal with my own kids having them is annoying.

On the film front, I tried watching The Force Awakens for a second time with my kids and we all ended up pretty bored about an hour and a half in and watched some other stuff. After the kids went to their mom's for the weekend, I watched Green Room and goddamn that was an intense, fantastic movie.

I think Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers were among their best blockbuster riffs, but something about Return of the King felt off. I remember a lot of the jokes being too topical and I can't be sure if I've ever actually finished it. I prefer Rifftrax to stay away from the meme-ish stuff. (Looking at you,

I think the elitism they sometimes show might prevent them from actually enjoying Neil Patrick Harris in fake Nazi attire. Of course, some of the fans of Starship Troopers don't get that it's satire and think it's a deadly serious movie.

"Is it FBI policy to not open your damn mouth while speaking?"

Oh, I get that. They seemed to genuinely enjoy The Lord of the Rings as well. I just didn't get that from their Starship Troopers riff.

It seems the main crew has gotten way better about that, especially Bill Corbett after declaring that he would be using jokes like that ever again. The older riffs do have some way harsh stuff, though some of that was in MST3K as well. (I can't watch The Incredibly Strange Creatures because they just won't let up

See: The Matrix trilogy. The first one's riff is kind of OK, with only a few of the "this is dumb" comments. The second and third descend into mostly complaining about the quality and bashing Lana Wachowski and it quickly becomes unbearable. I've found their best work is shorts and/or movies that are either outright

That's one I couldn't stand. That movie is so on in the joke and it seemed they just looked right past it and kept acting like the movie was below them.

Buh buh duh dun dun dun dun

Check out her riff for The X-Files movie with Bill Corbett. I constantly sing its praises. (I'm not too familiar with her and Bridget's riffs but I'll be looking into them now.)

I had a great time but I disagree and thought one of the "edgiest" (and flattest) jokes of the night belonged to Joel when he quipped "…and now the same barber, post-op."

I guess we'll just have to Obama to find our very own Jack the Ripper and teach him war crimes and then put him through a redemption process by some AIs and… Shit, we've also gotta find a Solid Snake expy to teach him about freedom of choice. Hopefully dog shaped robot buddies are up to the task as well.

Sad upvote.

"Don't fuck with this senator's grill!"

I was just telling a friend how I had not realized until this playthrough that, aside from his background and ability to fight a cyborg, Armstrong literally is Trump.

I'm in the process of trying out a bunch of games to see how well they work on my laptop. (So far, it's not been that successful. The Chronicles of Riddick, the Syndicate reboot, Remember Me, Life is Strange and Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons all have had intolerable framerates and I'm not one to fuss over framerates.)

Battlestar Galactica: The Plan does not exist. I watched half of it once and learned that yes, there is a point when you've explained too much. The rest of the series has bad episodes, sure, but none of them attempt to make the entire series such a bore. Which is a shame, because there are one or two good scenes of

It's funny because in real life Patrick Rothfuss really is that juvenile jerk those chapters suggest. It was really hard to go back to those books after.