
The sad fact is not that long ago it could've been done (and there were rumors of trying to do it) but the story goes is that Dark Horse was never allowed to cross Star Wars with anything. Lucasfilm let them do almost anything (including alternate universe tales) but they rejected any crossovers outright.

I don't know. It just felt like the pacing of the game could be tightened a little bit. I didn't want it to sacrifice any atmosphere but the postive feelings I had for the game drained out of me over the last quarter of the game. I just wanted it to end.

Will do. Maybe there will be a sale on the collected versions on Comixology or something.

I'd like a documentary like the one that exists for Alien to be done about Prometheus at some point, just so we can learn exactly who was doing what and how the film ended up like it did. I'm still waiting on that supposed "director's cut" he talked about. (Of course the last director's cut of an Alien film he did was

I haven't checked it out yet. I am under a mountain of comics to reread and the last new (at the time) Alien/Predator stuff I checked out was Xenogenesis which threw me off of Dark Horse's take for a while. I've been meaning to check it out though, once I catch up on the Hellboy/B.P.R.D. universe.

The biggest problem was the game was too long. It felt like it had a pretty good climax and then it went on about an hour or three after that. I also felt the crafting was kind of shoved in there and that the androids quickly went from creepy and startling to annoying very fast.
That's not to say it wasn't a good game.

Yeah, for once (it pains me to type this) the "unanswered questions" weren't Lindelof's fault. He wanted to actually explain things and Scott kept telling him to be vague. I'm guessing that's why Spaits' draft was reworked to begin with.

Actually I think a draft or two backwards and it would've been great. I liked the earlier draft that's online much, much more than the actual movie.

I liked it, but it's got a lot of problems. It is the best At the Mountains of Madness movie we're likely to ever get.

Aliens: Salvation (Dave Gibbons/Mike Mignola) and Sacrifice (Peter Milligan/Paul Johnson) are the best ones they've ever published in my opinion.

I used to love counting the number of times "Bishop's Countdown" appeared on all the trailers on the tapes I had as a kid.

Maybe because the soundtrack is readily available on vinyl and is cheaper new than the CD version? They also might have decided Aliens over Alien as a tribute to James Horner. I have no idea about Prometheus though.

Isolation? It did well, but it didn't do "well enough" for Sega. I'd really like a sequel to fix the aggravations of the first one.

"Adagio" is one of my favorite pieces of music ever.

For all the things I liked about Prometheus, the score wasn't one of them. It sounded so odd, like it belonged in a completely different film. Maybe an adventure film that didn't involve body horror and genocide.

I love Lena Headley but dear lord did I hate The Sarah Connor Chronicles and she was a big part of it.

I'll second that. I thought it was a perfectly fine and also fun movie, something I didn't feel with any of the media since T2.

As soon as I heard Trank say that Cronenberg was his inspiration for a Fantastic Four movie, I knew it was going to be a poor adaptation. That could be forgiven if it was a decent movie otherwise, but it's not at all. The most upsetting thing is taking The Thing's joyful cry of "It's clobberin' time!" and making it

I needed some new stoner/prog metal for this shitty day.

He's still got a way to go. While he's been pretty good he hasn't displayed the "I am so damn charming I instantly elevate any movie I'm in." level of The Rock's acting. He was great in Guardians and Spectre. Too bad he had the worst line in Guardians.
(Speaking of The Rock, I just watched Pain & Gain recently and wow