
I'm just sticking with the ambiguity (well, besides Fuller's comments on what he intended that last scene to mean) until new material proves otherwise.
Plus I'd gladly have it undone considering what was planned for the next season.

I finished Hannibal Season 3. A fantastic finish and I'm glad that it felt like it had some closure even though it was open ended enough to see where they would pick up if they ever got the chance.

Welcome to the Refn Club, Jeremy. It's a club where I'm going to try and ignore everything you say because I want to keep enjoying your movies.

Y'know, whatever. With these two it feels like it would be a different kind of movie and I'll give it a shot because Dwayne Johnson is genuinely charming. It also helps that I was one of the people dumbfounded at how many people suddenly started championing fucking Jumanji as some untouchable classic that should be

Kung Fury has a couple more great ones.

I'm not really fond of much of Disney. I appreciate their work and recognize that it's good but I just can't stand a lot of it, especially the "golden age" stuff. Hell, my favorite Disney movie is Lilo & Stitch.

I know. The second part makes it so much more better.
It did remind me I need to watch Unforgiven again.

They left out the best one from my favorite guilty pleasure, Street Fighter. "Bison! You're off da air!"

Kung Fury. You can find it on Youtube and Netflix. It's only a half hour and it's glorious.

Ow, my stomach lining!


Thank you, Scott Pilgrim.

That's OK. I have a thing for wonderfully catchy songs from "bad" movies. That "Travis Crabtree" song from Boggy Creek and "Friends" from Miami Connection being among my favorites.

You're right, I got the wording wrong. I think "pure" was used in a breakdown of what he said and why it was problematic and I melded it in my mind. Still pretty messed up as you said. Refn is one of those people that (for the most part) I love watching his movies but never care to hear what he has to say as a person.

I'll definitely give 2000 Maniacs a try. I've only seen the remake/sequel/piece of trash with Robert Englund and though it had one line that I really enjoyed ("Son, I once had confidence in a fart. Shit all over myself."), I'd really like to see the original because wow that movie was not fun.

I'm gonna say his comments about whitewashing a character to make her appear "pure" is a lot more ick than offing Hendricks' barely there character.

Who's calling Keanu dumb? I will force them to watch John Wick over and over until they realize how wrong they are.

Pusher Trilogy - All great, but I think the second one is the best.
Bleeder - Just OK. Very forgettable.
Fear X - Intriguing first half that then becomes a bunch of nonsense.
Bronson - Fantastic.
Valhalla Rising - Great but I get why people don't like it.
Drive - Great.
Only God Forgives - Boring but pretty to look at with

Please be better than Only God Forgives, please be better than Only God Forgives, please be better than Only God Forgives…
