
Being that there is a band named Isis who was in the same music scene as Mastodon, this made me chuckle on a couple levels.

I owned all their albums except Steal This Album! (Not because I was taking the title's advice, I just didn't like that album as much.) They are one of the handful of nu metal bands I still listen to occasionally. Off the top of my head Spineshank's second and third album, most of Sevendust's work and Coal Chamber's

They are two separate people. Paul Romano did at least (in my opinion) the best Mastodon art (Leviathan, Blood Mountain, Crack the Skye) and John Baizley of Baroness does his band's album art and a lot of other great pieces. (my favorite is "Serpents Unleashed" from the Skeletonwitch album of the same name.)

You should check out the artist who does that imagery. He's done a lot fantastic pieces (a few of which I plan to get as tattoos.) The guy from Baroness has also done some great work in the same vein but a little different style.

Mastodon may not have been my entry point (I'll admit I got in on the "nu metal" crazy) but they really opened my eyes to my favorite genres. (Sludge, stoner, doom, prog and the like.)

Danny B needs to immediately start working with some prog/stoner rock/metal musicians. That is a fantastic idea.

I think one off albums is just going to be a continuing thing for random Mastodon/Queens of the Stone Age members. I imagine we probably won't get another Killer Be Killed album either. Hey, there's Post Pop Depression though!

I'm really interested in the EP. I liked the clip and the talent involved excites me.

Not to mention it's a punk rock show. You know the one place in my town where you don't be a dick to the LGBT community? The punk rock bar. You act like a phobic jerk, they will toss your ass out and ban you for life and the bouncers will be more than happy to mess you up for life if you hurt one of us, inside the bar

It's a really good thing they're standing their ground. Laura Jane Grace is an important hero and icon for trans people. As a trans person myself, seeing Against Me! perform was liberating. Here I was, a trans person in an audience in the front row seeing a trans person onstage smiling back at me as she performed.

I had no idea he had gotten to that level of dreck. Meg was a trashy and fun guilty pleasure in the good way that a lot of sci-fi creature feature books are. That's just… ugh.

That movie gave me nightmares as a kid because I watched it *way* too young. When I watched it as an adult it was hilarious. Sure there's no giant salami, but it has Armand Assante playing a Native American and that sleeping bag scene.

I had a lot of fun with it. The opening scene is the best dumb scene I've ever read in a book.

It's sad this is going to be seen as a latecomer to the "second shark movie craze" as the book (and the movie's development) started before over a decade ago.

I read the book (and half of the second book, I don't why this is a series.) a long time ago. "Jurassic Shark" was thrown around a lot by critics and it does read like if Michael Crichton just decided he wanted to make a ridiculously over the top version of one of his books. It was a lot of fun. The film has been in

We were so busy focusing on how terrible that live action Akira movie sounded that we let this slip under our radar until it was too late.

I'm not sure if they ever released it online in any form (Japanese companies are way more strict about copyright protection and fan stuff than the US) but I know it was shown at G-Fest. I think it's called Gamera 4: The Truth, which is a really dumb title.

I'm reminded of the mutant bear movie Prophecy. That is not a good thing.

To be the dork, I'm actually sad that if it's showing in IMAX, it's probably not shot in Tohoscope because they'd have to really fuck the aspect ratio up to show it in IMAX.

It has. They also use different logos for different things. You can always expect to see some variant of that Toho logo (which has become more in line as their distribution logo) in front of a Godzilla production. They have a different logo (that also appeared on the 2000's Godzilla films) for movies they actually