
I dunno. That frog thing legit bothered the fuck out of me.

Yeah during that scene with Ethan and Malcolm in Vanessa's room, I was like "Moon? Moon? Anybody?" Because seriously, IT WAS STILL A FULL MOON!!

Logan didn't leave any major plot threads hanging

Also, Vanessa's death bugs me because it retroactively changes the entire show, from one woman's struggle and overcoming against her own darkness, to one who was fated to succumb. BOO.

That wasn't the sea, it was the Thames.

Lyle is Jewish

His mustache is uneven and it's bugging the shit out of me, no matter how accurate it may be for a man who hasn't bothered visiting a barber in months.

The key to this show was made crystal clear tonight. That even monsters need someone to love. Without those connections they become people capable of great evil. Even an asshole like Sir Malcolm can provide grace to serial killer Ethan. Without her human connections, Vanessa has fallen prey to someone who offers an

Her body shape in Camelot is similar to her body shape in PD, and nothing like those other movies.

Does Malcolm know? Sembene knew, and Vanessa knows, but I don't think Malcolm does. I don't think Vanessa told him. Plus, Malcolm would likely feel a bit different if he knew Ethan's wolf killed Sembene.

Ugh, that scene was so horrifying. For the most part I don't find PD scary, more like harrowing. But then they pull a visual like that, and now I'm going to have trouble sleeping tonight.

Or you could go look up "body double" and see that is what is done. Again, we've seen Eva Green's breasts. They are nice breasts, but they are not the pendulous and fake d cup breasts that are shown during her sex scene in 300.

I don't think we know each other well enough for me to answer that question. ;D

Dracula makes it clear during his speech to Vanessa involving creatures of the night that blood is nourishing.

Doubt away, I really don't care.

Because you can't live on semen.

I really enjoyed that look a Seward's backstory. I think she and Brona would see eye to eye about a few things. Maybe Victor should try therapy before meds?

It looks better in darkness, in the bright light of that shot, it makes the effects apparent. They can also pass as regular human women, but it's unclear if it glamour or shapeshifting.

Parts of she filmed, and filmed it nude, I'm sure. But those weren't her breasts in that scene that was shown. No nudity clauses don't mean they don't film nude, it just means it is not part of the final cut that is shown to audiences. They film it again with body doubles, and edit the two together.

I think, again, their journeys parallel each other. As Ethan fell further to darkness, so did Vanessa.