I don't think the Power Rangers trailer was that bad. Or at least not bad for the reasons other people say it was bad.
I don't think the Power Rangers trailer was that bad. Or at least not bad for the reasons other people say it was bad.
Freedom is so close it's nearly palpable. Only a week and a half until I'm in my own place. Finally a home where I can put food in a fridge and not have to worry about it being drenched in rotten garbage water because roommates are too lazy to do something so simple as clean out the refrigerator that EVERYONE eats…
Given that they keep showing Flynn actually go through the effort of putting his plan in motion and the implication that the past and present are in lockstep when the timeships are involved, I just sorta assumed that we don't see those effects because they haven't happened yet and the ships can't break pace with the…
I'm just reading webcomics now. I'll probably start reading at the library now that I can actually get a library card.
This is what I've been told when it comes to comparing oneself to others. And I appreciate the fact that you folks are here to talk to!
Even if I was reading any X-titles I would drop them on the basis of how horrid a name that is for an event. I kept getting updates about this all day yesterday. It sounds like a painfully 90s first-run syndicated series about a extreme sports superstar blessed with the power of immortality.
I went back to OKCupid this weekend. There's a much larger selection pool here. I still don't think I have much of a chance. But I already seem to be doing better than I have in any other city before now. Let's see where it goes.
The publisher of Enough Space seems to be pretty tight with Margaret Atwood, to the point where she's even randomly talked to me on twitter unprovoked. That was a surreal experience.
Young Animal sounds like something that would've sound fake cool 12 years ago. That's how uncool it sounds. I'm glad they're putting out books with a Vertigo vibe now that Vertigo classic is near-dead. But it seems like they're taking all their cues from circa 2004.
I still have an original Kindle Fire. And holy heck is it behind the times. Half the apps have stopped updating and I can't really download anything new that's come out. I should really upgrade. I used to use it all the time.
I haven't read any comics that aren't free since I've moved to the Twin Cities. Just can't fit them into my budget. Especially not ones with 5 dollar price points.
That's just been covered!
Comcast tried to pull a fast one on me but I showed them! Kind of. I live in a place where I have no leverage in any kind of negotiation because they're the only available provider for cable and/or Internet. But gotta appreciate the small victories. Not having to pay an equipment fee or for professional installation…
I've been meaning to read Jason Shiga's stuff for awhile but haven't gotten around to it. That Choose Your Own Adventure style comic he did with the near-countless amount of permutations has been on mind for ages.
Is it especially hard finding jobs in NYC? I would've figured it had a pretty strong job market.
Rainy Sundays are nice. How did you come to the names Onion Juice and Fairy Locks?
Thank you and i hope you have a great weekend as well.
Given all the headaches it took to get where you are now I can understand why that would be rather overwhelming. I wish career and life-planning didn't come with such paralyzing decisions.
I can never seem to find out what Shutter is about? I get plenty of reviews talking about how great and/or daring it is but I sort of never come across anything that explains what the story is? I'd love to get into a new comic series. I just want to know what the hook is.
Hope you make it for Big Issues at least!