
I never agreed with TheRealBatman about the Joss Whedon quote. I don’t even mention it. I was offering my own viewpoint in response to what TRB said and trying to focus on the specifics of the most relevant commentary in their reply and the review.

That suggests that a third season might be the magic number for the show. Because I imagine it’s hard to navigate fixing flaws from the previous season while also trying convince people who weren’t already onboard that this truly is Star Trek. I have so many friends who said the first season just wasn’t what they

I tune in every week. But yeah, I can’t imagine I could ever sell anyone on this show. Most people take meandering as a negative no matter what the context. 

I agree. I was never particularly scared of Goosebumps because they’re basically ultra-dark comedies aimed at kids. I tried watching Poltergeist 2 once and I had to hide from tv for a few hours and never attempted to watch it again until my late teens.

Horror did add to my fears as a kid and did absolutely nothing to help me feel better about anything. I’m still scared of practically everything to this day. That being said I do want to write MG and YA horror because it’s a pretty interesting genre. 

That’s a fair point. Also the Simpsons is several different shows that all happen to be part of the same series. Meanwhile Futurama was only ever one show, and depending on who you ask, spent quite a bit of time trying to be that one show as much as it possibly could.

I actually prefer the first 2 or 3 seasons to the rest of the show by a huge margin. It’s not even nostalgia. I watched the first 8 or 9 seasons a couple years back and I found that not only did I love them a lot but every time there was a repeat on FXX I enjoyed S1-3 eps vastly more than most others. 

That sounds hilarious. I miss the early days of DVD commentary. Where nobody knew what to do but weren’t try to force a gimmick. 

I always have to be reminded that Rat Race exists and that it was a staple of DVD closets and empty schedule slots on Comedy Central.

I love this movie. It’s probably my favorite superhero film. I do agree that its biggest problem is trying to make fun of a genre that wasn’t yet fully formed and having to resort to clumsy and crass jokes to make up for it. But it’s more than functional as a story, even the worst characters are able to share the

Same. I really love this movie. It’s sorta nostalgia but also kinda not since I have no problem cutting films I loved but no longer like out of my life forever. 

I’m speaking my mind and challenge people now and people still thought I wasn’t worth listening to when I made my original comments. Realizing that nobody actually cares what I have to say unless it’s to push me down or tell me how wrong I am is not a new lesson I have to learn. And being told how other generations

I’ve never had a problem with Daylight Savings Time and I doubt I ever will. There’s never been a single instance where it’s actually negatively affected me. While there is a ton of stuff that it seems I absolutely have to do that I hate that has screwed me over ultra hard and be told repeatedly that I must love it if

That suggests that historical experiences and the processing of them is not only broadly uniform but even somewhat universal. There are people of my exact age who grew up in the same neighborhood as I did whose core values, social mores, and personal experiences are so fundamentally different than mine that being born

I know more people are on the side of categorizing and putting people into categories. Especially in this thread where people keep espousing the merit of such categorization or expressing that my feelings are invalid or at the very least an overreaction, whether jokingly or not. You only need to compare

I don’t have a problem with sociologists using them. I know why they use them. But their primary use in media, and even this article, is not really to inform the average person on public policy or societal trends. It rarely seems to be for positive reasons or talked about in good faith. So that’s why I’m asking who

I’m not asking them to get off my lawn. I want everyone to be able to be on my lawn and able to talk to each other without dismissing experiences based on age or the perceived chief cultural/behavioral trends present before they reached adulthood. 

It’s of no use to anyone outside of marketers and sociologists though. But it’s been increasingly used to dismiss a number of concerns people of many ages have.

I hate this. I hate this whole generation thing. I hate how a categorization of cultural and marketing trends came to become important and even definitive outside of marketing and making cultural studies just a tiny bit easier.

I didn’t have cable when Pete & Pete was running so I missed the boat on that completely.