
can of beans, less than a dollar (Bush).

battery popping out lol...that's the perfect Mac laptop!

wow, and I thought I was the only one that ever used Yahoo pipes.

I have an issue kinda related to the old Mac one. I have been using a fairly busted USB falsh drive (bent), to transfer files from my Windows XP machine to an iMac running OS9. I put the files onto the Mac, and then when I copied something from the Mac onto the flashd rive and inserted it in the PC, Windows cannot

I wish I could pursue all my interests as freelance gets in the way though.

sorry, ha2ve to say first video...BUTTERFACE!

anything for an iTouch 1G user here?

any tools for budding iPhone developers? The app store takes care of the client base, but what else can you do to promote your app?

paid 5K to the feds :(. Shouldn't have been surprised, since I figured out that I was underpaying, but I was still.

I'm getting started with iPhone development. Investment so far has been 40 dollars to fix our old iBook. 200 more soon to buy a Macbook with an Intel processor.

Write ehow articles!

sorry, I just don't get this :(

no, it would make me quit.

I used to pay for a Internet data plan, now I do everything via text messages:

how many 'crops' of tomatoes could you grow in your house over a year using this?

Unfortunately, the way education is looked at today, you don't actually pay for the knowledge, you pay for the degree. And then you enter the work force and slave away at some menial job where you use less than one tenth of what you learned in college.

sucks if you're going to JFK and need to catch a flight.

I swear I had a similar idea before I ever saw this project, if only I could find the napkins I sketched it on...