
Its called mansplaining, its a real thing women deal with regularly and isn’t a sexist term. What is up for debate is whether or not the tweet in question was actually doing that, thanks to the wildly ambiguous nature of text. But she felt that it was, and responded in kind. So yes, both kinda dickish. What is the

You can falsely cry harassment all you want

who applauds when people she doesn’t like die of cancer,

One thing this article leaves out is that she used to work at Paizo before having to leave due to all the harassment she got for being a woman in nerdbro space. She’s been steeped in hostile nerd/gamer culture for a long time, having to prove herself and deal with people telling her she knows nothing with a smile,


I’m just gonna put this out there:

Price may have “gone overboard” in a single comment, but we are not privy to the amount of shit she’s had to field from entitled fans who assume they know better than she how to write the material she is paid to create.

I generally enjoy getting feedback on my work from my friends—but

That’s a lot kinder words than I have for TotalBiscuit. She was holding back, if anything. We should sugarcoat that shithead just because he happened to die of cancer? Fuck him and fuck anyone associated with GamerGate. He was an awful person, and the world is a better place without him.

Welp, you can add ArenaNet to my list of companies I won’t do business with.

Not in the slightest. 

Fuck off you piece of shit

“Their attacks on the community were unacceptable.”
That’s rich. Sure, she was brash towards some guy, but that’s not an “attack on the community”. Considering the amount of followers she has, I can absolutely see how at some point you’re just so done with the kinds of tweets she gets.

It fucks me up how many people are going all “well actually she shouldn’t have” about the woman who lost her job because of a mob of angry gamers. This rundown is good.

Well on one hand, it is said you shouldn’t diss a dead man.

I didn’t know him, watch his content, or pay attention to any of the controversy, but:

Uh... the second they started on their harassment campaigns, misinformation campaigns, doxxing innocent people, becoming politically empowered to fight “the feminist and SJW menace” because, god forbid, some video games may be made with people other than 14-35 year old white men in mind.

I keep seeing people saying “They can’t even wait for his body to be cold” as if people weren’t critical of his behavior while he was alive and were told then too that it wasn’t the appropriate time because he had cancer then as well.

“If you do, you will find someone who truly believed that there was a movement (a silent majority, he calls it) underneath that label that would improve disclosure in games journalism.”

In spite of virtually all evidence to the contrary which was available to him just as it was to everyone else.

“He was wrong, and his

If he had not coordinated harrasment and death threats from his fanbasevunto vulnerable people, and in generall acted like a Asshole. I would be more sympathetic

I think we should still be allowed to be critical about his past opinion and content. There’s a respectable way of doing it and I don’t condone what some are saying in the comments section right now, but I also don’t think we should all just automatically be praising him as a saint.