
She did get assaulted while doing this show. Maybe there’s trauma and lingering feelings involved?

Try House of Flowers (Casa de Flores) also on Netflix.

I’ve been wondering if I should watch this!

I really love El Ministerio del Tiempo, on Netflix--it’s basically like Warehouse 13 with more time travel. 

So I took a motorcycle safety course today (beginner biker course) and ended up leaving early. I have never been on a motorcycle and getting on the bike I finally found out what a clutch and throttle is, and the vague world of gear shifting. Friction zone???? What’s that?? I thought I was doing ok but the instructor

I wouldn’t rush to call his mistress stupid - the linked Denver Post article said that he didn’t wear a wedding ring and told her he was at the end of working out a divorce with his wife (he even asked her to help him find an apartment for him and his daughters). Sociopaths love to lie and manipulate people.

I’m betting the reason he sounded so affectless in his texts about his family being “gone” is he honestly thought his replacement female would be as cool about as he was: “Gone? Terrific! I shall now move in, sex you, do all the chores, and bear replacement offspring units for you. Beep.” It never occurred to him that

Cautiously looking forward to trying it out? Nothing about Riverdale should have worked, but it does. That Carrie the Musical episode was basically made for me, like how did they know I wanted that. Also, I think Sally Draper is a good cast? I can tell nothing from this trailer other than an eerie/dark tone, which is

Many professional women recognized themselves in Serena in that moment. As a professional woman, I have cried out at double standards like Serena did. The difference is I, like many women, run to the bathroom to lash out at the mirror. Serena showed her anger and frustration on a court where there was nowhere to hide.

Predictable misogyny is predictable. Of course people are blaming yet another famous woman for the death a famous man. Society refuses to hold men responsible for their mental health and fails to equip men with the tools to cope. Women are charged with keeping their bodies and souls safe.

It’s disgusting that people blame Ariana for Mac’s OD. She was with him for two years and felt the weight of his addictions. No one needs to stay with an addict. That said, people on Jezebel were also blaming Asia Argento for Bourdain’s suicide. I could not believe it! All these people are well over 18 and have to be

They let a woman suffer for days until she died, one of them got a finger wagging and the other got MONEY?!?!? WTF?!?! Why aren’t THEY in prison now?

“cruel, oppressive or malicious treatment”

What is their fucking definition of cruel and malicious, here? Telling a woman who’s convulsing and vomiting to “clean that up” is totally acceptable by their standards?

Do you have any data to prove this assertion?

As of writing this post every single episode of HOC involving Kevin Spacey is available on Netflix, so I don’t understand your comparison. It seems disingenuous at best.

She’s a princess in a tower. She thinks she gets to be above all this because even if Trump insults daddy more, she still gets sympathy and passes. She has an art degree but because of her name they pay her to yell about politics.

She wanted an abortion, he wanted her to give birth and then put the infant up for adoption; they argued [and she had the abortion anyway]

Men shouldn’t have sex if they’re not prepared to accept that the woman may get an abortion.

And you know this how?

Opinion alert etc. (So I can not say “I think that...” before every sentence.)