
One of the worst things about the story that opens this piece is the number of “regular” guys in her life that visit revenge porn sites to get their jollies. I’m so sick of the innocence game these guys play, like they have no idea what goes on out there and claim that it’s a minority of the men who do bad things.

Most Americans born during the same time are the luckiest people to ever been born. (although, your points on trump are spot on)

Hispanic= Spanish speaking

I came here to say this exactly. The journalists didn’t like her comment about not only benefiting from Trump but about them actually creating and perpetuating the monster that is him and his administration. He wouldn’t do the outlandish things he does if the media didn’t cover him obsessively. And they just proved it

It’s almost like comedy is subjective or something.

Let’s be honest, they hate Wolf because of her “you’ve all benefitted” joke. It was the obvious, blatant truth. They didn’t want to hear that they’re making big bucks off of human suffering and dragging us down by just soft-balling the administration on everything they’ve done instead of calling them out.

That was an epic critique of cable news right to their face. Even though the room was not laughing....I was.

Man makes joke, their all like “chill, it’s just a joke.” Woman makes joke and their all like “ how mean! How dare she!”

I died laughing, but then again I have a sense of humor.

People keep claiming that Wolf makes fun of Sarah Slanders’ physical appearance, and I’m still trying to figure out where she does that. The smoky eyes and Aunt Lydia jokes were so fucking obviously about the lies and the bullshit.

Woman spoken the truth, while making a joke, world is ending.

Trump supporters: jokes and slurs about women and minority groups are funny, lighten up snowflakes! Jokes about incredibly powerful (Republican) individuals are mean spirited! Wah!

They fuck every hour on the hour...

I agree. KUWTK is admittedly my treadmill show (it is one of the rare things that makes me not want to die while running), and there was a really good episode a while back where the sisters were concerned about a controlling partner (Khloe’s? Karen’s? IDK), so they went to Planned Parenthood and had a lesson on

she’s actually been fairly outspoken against trump, so i do believe it.

I don’t watch any of the Kardashian shows (I don’t live in the US) or follow her or her family on any social media, so my knowledge of Kim is pretty random, mainly from when she’s mentioned in something I read. I don’t know if that necessarily gives me a different view of her, but here are things I know about Kim

damn kim is making me like her more and more.

A 200 year old word makes you feel old? .... walk me through this again.

And just think, all people had to do to have avoided this entire nightmare was vote for the better qualified candidate.