
Except magazines have gotten a lot more expensive in NJ. Gun nuts will have to stock up elsewhere.

No, not “everyone” is damaged as a child and it’s insulting to those of us who are. It is also a major risk factor for depression and drug abuse.

I agree with you to a certain extent. Yes, it’s a mental illness, and should be treated just like a physical condition. But I do think being a woman, living under a patriarchy that devalues women, contributes to depression and anxiety. I don’t think this discounts the fact that it’s a mental illness, but it’s not a

Honestly, it’s become reassuring to know one day we will all die (I’m speaking for myself, of course).

I actually found a reusable red Solo cup, made in the US, for sale. I bought it lol.

I’ve had styrofoam takeout containers as well and I feel so damn guilty ... I recycle everything that I can, so styrofoam is painful.

I like printed receipts because then I match it to my debit/credit card statement. I’ve been mis-charged on a few occasions, plus I like to ensure at restaurants that an extra tip isn’t added in (which I leave in cash). I’ve also used receipts in chargeback incidents. I don’t want to be handing out my email just to

Somehow it’s even worse when a guy claims he *loves* performing the act, but doesn’t even come close to reciprocating, or does it for 5 minutes and asks if you’re close to orgasm.

Haha! I wear leather driving gloves but only because I always forget to wear sunscreen on my hands and don’t want to age them faster than need be.

Yeah, I got into my “top choice”, wasn’t happy, transferred, and graduated still feeling like I didn’t have that great of a college experience at either university. The only good decision I made in college was studying abroad but that’s it.

Whoa! Reminds me of a teacher I had who told us he voted for the other candidate he was up against, and that person won by 1 vote. That has always stuck with me, though granted it’s on a much smaller scale than our “major” elections.

I never saw The Sweetest Thing and sometimes I think I’ve missed out on a lot of movies/music/TV “of my time” when I was a teen because I was too busy being moody/sad/listening to 60s music. Anyone else?

Yeah, I can understand that, but I swore I remember reading that he was gay (possibly on IMDb’s trivia section?) years ago. But it’s possible that was written without an actual source backing it up.

Yeah, there aren’t many out bi people in Hollywood, which is honestly part of the reason I like Amber Heard. It seems to be changing slowly, which is nice.

Ah, I see. I really had no idea he wasn’t “out” out. Sounds a bit like Sean Hayes, then?

Yeah, completely! I was still attracted to him even knowing that he was gay. He was an excellent romantic lead in Pushing Daisies and that was after Wonderfalls, where he had sexy fun with Jane’s bestie.

You are definitely not alone! I was crushed there was no second season. It still remains one of my favorite shows, even all these years later...

Confused re: the Lee Pace bit. It was always known he was gay, at least for over 10 years now when I was obsessed with Wonderfalls. I remember looking him up and being, “oh, he’s gay” and that was that.

I can understand that - thanks for sharing your perspective. And I had no idea you don’t have to prove your animal is a service animal.

Oh man, I’m dying laughing at all the grey comments in the Google bro story. My favorite was the one guy who has ONE post saying he is a “mixed race female” and that the other females need to grow up. Yeah, dude, sure you are...