
I recently received two texts from the exact same number as you, from FB telling me to click a link to get back on the site. I ignored it, but also had two emails from FB saying it looked like I was having trouble logging in. I’m planning on just deleting my account soon.

I wonder why the service dog thing isn’t enforced? I’ve seen clearly non-service dogs in both grocery stores and homewares stores, and it boggles me that no one says anything.

I’m a little confused, because there are multiple bad people, but are we talking about um ... trying to think of a non-spoilery way of saying this ... someone who enjoys a specific artistic discipline but can’t do it? I was never very good at ad-libs....

I understand what you mean. It is frustrating when people take that as a sign of cultural illiteracy, when there are many other factors at play.

I took it out from the public library, if you have access to one near you. It was well-worth the watch, even though I knew what would happen.

Did anyone else seeing that disturbing video on Twitter of the body laying in blood? Was not expecting that when I clicked. A lot of people were outraged over the publishing of that and I can see why, but the other part of me wonders if this is what we need to make change in our legislation (or is that too hopeful?)

I’ve bought things from Target clearance end-caps but only items that have a clear seal. Recently, they were selling travel size versions of Embroylisse Cream for half-price, but they had foil seal covers on. But your account of people swatching new products is nasty. Maybe this will be my incentive to stop buying

Oh man...I’ve really lost the faith now that you say they can re-shrink-wrap lippies. Ew.

Just curious, how was some of it counterfeit if they were returning items to the store?

That’s interesting ... I bought batteries off Amazon for my dad and he was disappointed they were the cheap, Chinese-made ones, but I have no way of telling if they’re counterfeit. I bought an external battery but that came from Anker directly so I assume that’s ok?

Anxiety doesn’t justify animal cruelty.

Yes, agreed. Women are still underrepresented in the vast majority of governments. The UK has “only” had two female PMs.

There are many more factors at play than which country granted women the right to vote first. Iceland, for instance, granted women the right to vote later (1915) than NZ, and yet it currently has the highest number of women in government.

It’s really weird how little people expect fathers to have to do. How is it not “fair” to take care of your own children?

Watermelon is a hard flavor to do artificially! I recently bought these vegan watermelon gummy rings that were shockingly delicious. Otherwise, I agree with you. The tropical punch isn’t bad though.

I hate that I know this, but I’m pretty sure “Fave Reds” is not just the cherry and strawberry (aka red and pink) but also includes tropical punch and watermelon.

Yeah, I completely understand that. If only our country had universal healthcare, that would at least take of one part.

I don’t think the tone was set by “college geeks or dropouts”, but rather by being hostile to women. Women were on the forefront of computing but were pushed out once it became skilled and money was attached to it.

Wow, that dude is such an idiot. There was research recently showing that the no. 1 reason women leave their job is because they aren’t paid enough. Men love to act like it’s to become a homemaker, but that’s far from reality. If women do leave to take care of their children, it’s frequently because they aren’t paid

Wow, it’s depressing as hell to see how many commenters here don’t understand the difference between mansplaining/talking for someone and voicing support/acknowledging a movement. If you can’t see the difference, you’re intentionally obfuscating the two to create a logical fallacy in an effort to maintain the status