Me, and my whole group, have been at 600 for close to two months, I wanna say. We’ve found the raid to have the best drop rates for Forsaken exotics, but that’s probably just general drop density.
Me, and my whole group, have been at 600 for close to two months, I wanna say. We’ve found the raid to have the best drop rates for Forsaken exotics, but that’s probably just general drop density.
I dabbled, but got out before it was too late.
Dammit, Gita. Every time you mention Dwarf Fortress, my boss yells at me. It might have something to do with the 3 to 5 hours I spend on the subsequent lunch break, but still.
I just looked this stuff up, and it’s wild. The base hardware is more or less the same stuff we used in my computer engineering degree. (We used a cyclone 2 though...)
I might be ignorant on the subject, but I have a lot of respect for the people working to make our international shipping boats greener. Maersk is a massive contributor to global pollution, but that industry has seen some great improvements in the last few years.
Whoever he was talking to just had, like, infinite patience. Also, that dude in the background
I don’t know if you were quoting this, but I deeply hope you were.
Thanks for writing this. As a dev, I get tired of explaining this to people. Gonna link you next time somebody talks crap about Unity to me.
In other words, without the electoral college, people in rural areas would have little direct control over their own policy. (Assuming, of course ,that those in urban areas can’t relate to, and therefore can’t properly govern, those in rural areas). In the same way, imagine the situation reversed. We certainly…
I never suggested that the reversed situation wasn’t what we presently have.
I'm talking race, age, education, and income, man. Unless that band's not as narrow as you suggest.
At least one us knows what's going on. Imagine if they just let me out in public.
Is... Is that the only sentence you read out of that entire post?
Reminds me a lot of Toy Commander in the level design sense.
“And so it is, thou shalt block the brown people whomst accost thee on the internet, for thou canst not call the authorities on them” - 1st Becky 1:6
I'll always prefer the real Axios. You know, the JavaScript library for making Ajax requests.
Honestly, I don’t know. I’m an engineer, not a political theorist. Personally, I think the electoral college is basically voter suppression.
ur right im rong