I’ll take your suggestions into consideration next time I publish my very important thoughts into this very important comments section.
I’ll take your suggestions into consideration next time I publish my very important thoughts into this very important comments section.
That’s not an argument though. Just a statement of fact. An argument would be, “The Electoral College is good because it evenly distributes elections across states rather than people”, or “The EC is bad because it mitigates the voice of the individual”.
Good point.
What’s my demographic, out of curiosity?
This is why the electoral college is important. It provides a voice to those who would otherwise be overrun. Obviously, it comes with its own attendant problems, but it does prevent the president from being selected by only California, Texas, New York, Illinois, and Florida.
Yeah, I kind of feel like she was calling Swisher out on this one. Hard to tell just in text, but that’s what it seems like.
Not this shit again. Sit the fuck down and let Kamala step up to the mic. Or anybody else.
Something something inherent flaws in two party system.
I was actually thinking of this exact article when I posted!
Mustangs are red
My father is in that 33% unfortunately, largely because of the Israel narrative the Republicans like to push. Gonna recommend that article to him. Thanks for writing this!
I mean I could explain it better, but without specifics, I have nothing to go on other than “This doesn’t make sense”. So I’m just going to assume you mean you’d prefer to read it in a different language. I’ve created a convenient link to that end.
Failson Don
Hang me now for saying this, but 2016 was a litmus test for America that easily vindicates what Avenatti said. Place is fucked up enough that he’s right. The Democratic party in 2016 proved that, when the chips are down, what they really want is a big strong white man to tuck them in at night.
Nah, just woke up angry after a semi-drunk night. Wasn’t in any position to be providing insightful commentary at the time. You were absolutely right to call me out though. I mistakenly contributed to a misleading narrative, and that should always be fought.
To be honest, I didn’t read the whole article. One of those “just woke up after a crazy night, picked up my phone and made a weird face at it” kind of things. Didn’t help that I saw this after seeing that wild scarf that’s been going around, so I was ready to be pissed.
True, that’s way more shocking.
I am this stupid on purpose, actually.
That’s... honestly shocking. That’s inaccurate to the extent that, shown that image without context, I would not have been able to identify it as Dr. King. This is especially shocking, given Dr. King’s iconic face.
Don’t they charge per conversion?