There has to be a k-drama with that very plot - but she ends up falling in love with the tour coordinator.
There has to be a k-drama with that very plot - but she ends up falling in love with the tour coordinator.
So the Heian period is probably most famous for two works of literature (both by women!): "Tale of Genji," (Genji monogatari) by Murasaki Shikibu and "The Pillow Book" (Makura no soshi) written by Murasaki's rival, Sei Shonagon. "Genji" is the more famous of the two, but "The Pillow Book" is waaay more fun :)
I want to know more about the snarky poetry...
The coolest part is how the color of each layer is very important and leaden with symbolism, a system known as kasane no irome (襲の色目)
WHOA. "Lonely, miserable and sad?" Try adventurous, fun, and only possibly lonely.
These are men who consider themselves against sexual assault, and are shocked to find themselves accused of it.
You think this is dramatic? You should have seen all the shit I lost over the Patriot Act!
I was a wreck for WEEKS.
You are the one saying it's cool to shut everything down because of a thoroughly unsubstantiated risk of a physical attack.
There already HAS been a terrorist attack, though. This hack was a terrorist attack. It has destroyed Sony's network, cost millions and millions of dollars in damage and theft, literally wiped insane amounts of data from their system, doxxed thousands of employees and celebrities, and reduced their employees to…
Still irrelevant, and not indicative of anyone's ability to fulfill such threats of physical violence.
Again, you've missed the point.
The quality or content of the film is not the issue here, and completely unimportant.
I mean, the movie is probably crap, but it's pretty nuts to imagine that Sony was so willing to pull the rug out from under a release due to anonymous threats.
Your essay makes me uncomfortable. I honestly don't know how to help or be an ally. I work with kids in the family court system, either through abuse/neglect or juvenile delinquency/incorrigability. I want to fight for these kids, the majority of whom are POC. How do we do that without becoming a "good white person"?…
I love my Kwanzaa bullshit. Anybody who hates it is just a Grinch. Or has an axe to grind against the game/Max Temkin himself.
My boyfriend got them, and we've been having fun trying to piece together the story on the envelopes. Sometimes we get 2 in one day and we have to figure out which one goes first.
My day 5 envelope was empty. )= Haven't gotten the last few days yet, either. But I do want to put the "For rectal use ONLY" sticker on a cactus.
HA! I ordered the Cards Against Humanity's Ten Days or Whatever of Kwanzaa gifts for yours truly this year and it is full of win. I'm deep in finals week and not able to devote time to solve the super secret puzzle that is part of the gifts. But I have enjoyed opening my lonely mailbox during the past few weeks to…