
It isn’t that they pointed it out. It is that they framed the proposal as MORE important than *her* amazing personal achievement, and even left her name out of the headline. Therefore making it all about the man. It is awesome and lovely, but it is NOT an “even bigger prize.”

How is it silly, though? Witchcraft and paganism (they are separate though often linked) is older than Christianity.

Yes but you don’t see men running to ask women to marry them after they win a medal... only after the woman has won and made a name for herself... after she got silver he asked her.... as far as I’m concerned he should have let her have her moment before making it all about him.... women don’t take away men’s glory...

I agree except can you please not call it “odd”? That’s part of his point—neopagans have a tough enough time with people thinking our religion is goofy and weird. It’s not. It’s a real religion that means a lot to us, we are by no means a weird fringe of society, and we get tired of it being seen as strange and odd.

I feel very disinclined to pass judgment on this dude, because it seems like he’s making these products for people who actually practice witchcraft as their religion? That could be my incorrect hot take, but I just feel wrong shitting on this dude for trying to make a (albeit odd) living. As long as he’s not trying to

No, it’s not just you.

Except this is a microaggression, diminishing her accomplishments as an athlete for that of matrimony, something that would NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS be referred to in the same way for a man.

Come on, Beatles Reference Kinja Name. It’s critical to point out micro-aggressions as well as larger sexist and racist offenses.

That’s how pervasive sexism works. He did not stop & think that maybe marrying him was not as important as the culmination of her years of training. But he DID think that the culmination of HIS years of training was more important than a proposal. Sexism isn’t always about misogyny. Sometimes it’s just about treating

She won silver, but patriarchy won gold.

That’s what blows my mind about her letter! “But he’s cute and we’ve been friends for a while and he’s never raped me so obviously this woman is lying” like... girl what?

Let’s all remember how “cute” and “charming” Ted Bundy was.

Ted Bundy also had a very charming smile and was reportedly very nice to his neighbors. I’m sure this is different though.

I’m a man who has been blackout drunk many times. Even with serious “clouded judgement” moments there was never a time where I thought “I should have sex with this unconscious girl”. You either have morals or you don’t. He doesn’t.

What??? Okay, calm down. The comparison was not of babies to pets. Did you not read? I was talking about the tendency us humans have to never think we are part of the problem at hand. And you could stand to ease up on the condescension here. You kinda sound like you want a medal for being a parent.

My boss brought her kid in a few times when it was an infant. It was quiet but it was a huge distraction.

I could not disagree more. There are places you go with the expectation that kids will be there: the zoo, the bus, the library, the children’s museum, various public places. The office, the opera, the movies and a seminar where you have to listen to stuff are not on that list. I do a local Burning Man event every year

Not only that, but it doesn’t seem like she exhausted her options. There was literally no way she could pump and leave a supply with the sitter she clearly can afford to hire and bring to a conference with her? This is clearly an educated, well off woman that actually HAS options other than bringing her child with

I can’t really debate this if you’re comparing the coffee maker to a baby...