That's nothing... come on down to Rotterdam to see creepy Santa with buttplug:
That's nothing... come on down to Rotterdam to see creepy Santa with buttplug:
ON A RELATED NOTE — Back in the day, I used to work in a sex shop in Texas back when such establishments were not technically, legally supposed to exist. For example, if you purchased a toy, your receipt would read 'marital aid'; we would be secretly shopped every once in awhile by a state employee for enforcement…
Try harder Paris...
You forgot to mention that this is where the far right christians have been sitting up in protest for months against the gay marriage law being voted since this is where the ministry of justice is. In a way the ministry is telling them to sit on it and spin.
His response is perfect. It's like walking around town holding a dildo and when anyone says "What the fuck, thats a dick" you say, "Nope, you see a dick because thats your issue, to me its a stick."
Reminds me of this Tumblr post, captioned "How do I tell my mom that this "minimalist wooden nativity set" she put up just looks like a forest of dildos"
Do you regularly read cultural criticism articles?
Her videos are fine. She doesn't claim that *all* video games contain certain tropes. She's pointing out the ones that are there. She's also making videos on Youtube, not submitting articles to a peer-reviewed journal. The amount of vitriol that is directed towards her is ridiculous and uncalled for.
These #GamerGate people want to have a "discussion" about gaming ethics by threatening women to shut up or be killed/raped. Last time I checked that's not conducive to having a discussion.
Sigh. I'm so tired of this, you guys. I don't care if you disagree with Sarkeesian, I don't care if you believe gaming should be immune to feminist analysis, I don't care if you personally think Sarkeesian is a bitch, but for the love of baby jesus christ, can we stop threatening to kill her just because of a…
This is one of the best summaries I've read of the "fuck you, ladies and minorities, YOU'RE all the ones with the privilege!" mentality that keeps popping up in this shitstorm.
Moreover, it isn't unique these gamers. The argument against Affirmative Action is based upon it's phantom victims (the white kid at the bottom of the yes pile who gets bumped). #notallmen is a strawman based on the false belief that feminism is blaming all men for bad deeds (missing the whole point). The whole…
I'd offer one mild correction. It's true that this is probably the most vitriolic case of unexamined privilege we've seen in a long while, but the double-bind is that even though these are straight white males, they're the straight white males who are at the bottom of the totem pole. They're nurds. This is why…
Props to Jim Cook! Great artwork!
Over the weekend, a game developer in Boston named Brianna Wu fled her home after an online stalker vowed to rape…
In the comments, she says she hopes her daughter will read it one day to better understand her. This really epitomizes the level of selfish we're dealing with. I just want to ask her "How would you feel, even at this age, to read something like this that your mother wrote?"
I am also a challenging older daughter whose mother recently admitted that my more docile, shy younger sister is her preferred child. Sadly enough, it almost felt like a victory. After 20+ years, I just wanted her to admit it.
Because if you don't BONNND with your baby, that baby is ruined forever, and you need a fresh one to "start over" with.
I too am the challenging older daughter and even as an adult, I struggle with feelings of resentment towards my younger bother. It doesn't help that nearly everyone prefers him; he's funny and charismatic while I'm kind of a moody loner. I've always known that my mother loves my brother more, but to see it in print…
I'm the challenging older daughter whose mother never bonded with her. My younger sister was/is her favorite. Even though this all happened long before anyone had personal computers, this unspoken knowledge poisoned my relationship with both my mother and my sister.