
aren’t we glad we didn’t elect some WOMAN who would be worried about her appearance all the time instead of concentrating on her job?!!!

They cried “The election is rigged” until “Trump won, get over it!”

This is the right wing, in a nutshell. I’m so sick and tired of hearing how they give a fuck about the people of this country and how it’s the evil elites on the left who are the real villians. The right care about power, holding power and using it to fuck over as many people as possible before they lose it. Fuck

This morning in an interview on BBC radio the disgusting Jan Brewer, former Governor of Arizona and Epitome of a Deplorable, was fairly explicitly rowing back on “The Wall” - now “maybe a wall, maybe an fence, maybe a virtual wall”. I’m pretty sure that when “The Wall” turns out to be a pole with some flood lights and

I’m having a nice laugh over the money and time spent by the Trumpers for ellaborate “Lock Her Up” signs and costumes, only to be told, “Meh, not gonna do it.”

Just remember this: Trump will fail to make America great again in the specific way that white nationalists, vicious misogynists and anti-Semites had in mind. And when he does, most of them won’t blame him, and they’ll direct their anger back at the people they’ve been encouraged to demonize by their president-elect

Not to mention they loathe the idea of PC and “safe spaces”—until Mike Pence gets gently called out in a theatre or Trump has to deal with people who disagree with him.

Oh bullshit. She didn’t lose the electoral college vote because a bunch of white people had their fee fees hurt by mean liberals. She lost when enough working class Democrats crossed the isle to vote for Trump because he promised to bring back their manufacturing jobs. He won’t. But they believed him when he lied

This is just the beginning.

Trump is such a sellout. can’t keep his promises. SAD.

This is what got me all through the election. How did his supporters, who constantly criticized Hillary for being dishonest, not realize Trump was constantly lying about everything and - probably more importantly to his supporters - the things he was promising to do are, almost without exception, impossible to

If they recognized the politicians as the reason they aren’t wealthy, in spite of all their promises, the Republicans would have fallen out of power years ago.

I did not think it was possible for me to hate someone more than I hate Ann Coulter, but I’ve reached that point with this haggard, facially-melting excuse for a human being.

Many of you will soon find out about that during Thanksgiving dinner with the insane part of your family.

Yeah, it’s definitely a double-edged sword. Any of us with half a brain knew he wouldn’t be able to accomplish remotely any of his campaign promises. But I still doubt that much anger and disappointment will fall on Trump. I think it will more likely lead to his supporters getting more physically and vocally violent

As much as the GOP claims to be “the party of personal responsibility” they sure like blaming everyone else for all their problems.

Just remember this: Trump will fail to make America great again in the specific way that white nationalists, vicious misogynists and anti-Semites had in mind. And when he does, most of them won’t blame him, and they’ll direct their anger back at the people they’ve been encouraged to demonize by their president-elect

...and so it begins.

So he can steal anything he can get his hands on with nary a peep from his devoted followers, but merely admitting that reality is, you know, reality, is an unforgivable offense. How, exactly, are we not going to end up in a civil war with these goobers?