
Yes. FIX IT, Mr./Ms. The Root. Please

How old are you?


I will also use the phrase, “nazi clown car”

Heh, ‘caste.’ I see what you did there. I think.

Captain America, brah.

I’ve heard about the Terrible OhNos! He about that age..

Well, she did say that, remember? (only she said boys & men)

Back in the day (way back), a fellow student and I roadtripped from UIUC to Indianapolis just to see what it was like. It was closed.

It’s Ronaldo.

gawd i love yer name

Wait, he’s a Michigan fan?!

I couldn’t get worked up about Monday’s Boston Marathon. After all, any American who might have been on TV ran the U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials in February, and is skipping Boston.

he’s tall

whew, i needed that

I was in Aleppo in the summer of 1994 and stayed at the Baron Hotel

I love that guy.

Thank you.

Seriously, Shrayber, no woman would have posted this idiotic story.