Hippies Use Side Door

I get it, well, some of it, obviously I don’t know enough about you to know if I get even most of it. I think for me, Trump brought a lot of things into focus, things that I’ve been trying to ignore about the US. But... I think that on the whole, I do believe in the American people who are trying to make things

I’m sorry that you can’t get a woman to pay attention to you for longer than five minutes, but you don’t have to take out your sexual frustrations on me.

you know what, good for her! She wanted to have a baby for a long time. She is a grown woman who has lived her life and can afford it.

Since you were being so honest and sincere – what the fuck is wrong with you? What makes you think that this person (or I, yes I’m an immigrant too) was part of DACA? The presumption is that we all came here illegally, isn’t it? What a shit stained slippery slope you’re perched all high and mighty on. Can’t wait until

You’re gonna feel stupid when I tell you that I’m from Sweden. But hey, keep being a fucking asshole, it’ll work out for you I’m sure.

oh my. you really provoked the standard xenophobic response from the xenophobes.

I just got my citizenship so I can join the fight w/o fear they’d revoke my green card for speaking out.

You know how I knew your post was going to be dull? You started with “to be completely honest.” What a dumb-ass thing to say to start a thought. What is the implication here? That you typically post entirely dishonestly on the anonymous internet? Learn to speak English.

I love how the bootlickers that defend this moral atrocity assume that the poster is here illegally. This action effects all immigrants, even those here legally, even those that have played by the rules, waited their turns, gained naturalized citizenship and completely integrated into American society. They are just

I can’t take Trump supporters seriously anymore. What are you defending at this point? The insulting, mocking president that curses and makes threats? Insulting a War Hero Veteran, Then you talk to us about respect? Everything you defend is contradicted by the president you support.

Maybe because of WHO will be implementing it? you honestly think any of the racist asshats at Homeland Security would enforce this across the board? Please.

And Jones actually took a knee.

Jessie James Decker is basic as hell and dumb as shit.

8 years in the league and he still doesn’t know when games start? If this isn’t the perfect time for the NFL to recognize concussions idk what is.

we have 3 1/2 more years of this insanity.

Dead-eyed church bitch.

I said it elsewhere, but I really didn’t think it was possible to get a mired deceitful, disingenuous propagandists than Spicer or Scaramucci, but here we are- stuck with this dead-eyed church bitch. There really is no bottom with these people.

No votes = don’t care

Nailed it.

Please donate to help people who are suffering so much right now. My family is in Puerto Rico right now, people are in need, people have lost everything and without the support and supplies they need things will start to get desperate. phones are just starting to work, no power, water, ATMs are not working, people can