Hippies Use Side Door

This article is about trying to define oneself as a Voice We Should Be Listening To (For Clicks) rather than getting out in the world and being the change and all that.

Especially since he’s not a democrat unless it suits his agenda!

They were traitors who followed treasonous ex US generals and militarized against the US Army.

Having witnessed all the typically expected traveler shenanigans, “marginalized” is pretty generous.

But let’s not worry about Bernie’s NRA money right?

Maybe Tillerson likes that sweet sweet oil down in Venezuela.

Techno kitty

That’s definitely Lady Gaga.

I avoid this issue by not shopping in Walmart.

Errr, that’s not Christianity. That’s humanity in a “religious” disguise.

I’ll honestly be shocked as hell if Cory Gardner wins another term. I know CO is merely a purple state, but he’s so dismissive of constituents and almost everyone I know out there hates his guts. I wonder if Jared Polis will challenge him and give us our first openly gay senator.

They’ve put me through a lot on top of what I’ve already gone through personally in the last six months. I reduced my “customer advocate” to tears last week (not intentionally, just by being human) and told her this is the kind of shit that turns people into activists, and not only do I expect them to pick up the tab

The first one was at 15 weeks, and it took me 4 months to convince them that those first several visits were actual prenatal visits, and covered in full. I don’t even want to get into the expense of what a D&E costs an already grieving woman.

Thank you. My crusade to make them pay is a nice distraction from the grief. <3

I’m battling my insurance company right now because they won’t cover my two MISCARRIAGES in the last six months. I’m like, well, I did kind of do y’all a favor by not giving birth, so pick up the fucking tab why don’t ya.

“Who was voted into office by a giant swath of red states.”

New Yorkers have never been proud to call Thump our own, obvi. Any voting stats on NYC vs Houston in the election? I think less than 15% of NYC voters pulled the lever for him. We’re not owning shit. Sorry. Texas is still a red state, no matter how many times Houston has elected a lesbian mayor.

So, I’m in a bit of a pissing match with my insurance company because it turns out they basically don’t cover miscarriages.

I mean, tipped employees are supposed to declare their cash tips, too. The tax rate isn’t as high, and obviously there’s wiggle room, but if you’re a tipped employee and not reporting at least 8% of sales as cash tips, the IRS will probably audit your ass and your employer, too.

You just made your own point, in that for generations, women and POC were systemically kept out of the STEM field. How can you hire the best AND most diverse if the pool of applicants isn’t diverse to begin with, due to systemic misogyny and bigotry?