
I don't know which is worse, making excuses for a man who just committed a robbery and assault, and then physically charged a police officer who shot him according to standard policy, or pretending like 95% of black people are not murdered by other black people.

But is it possible that all of them were arresting a career criminal who was resisting arrest adamantly and they were doing their jobs? The guy had been arrested thirty times already and told them hell no. My teenager does not use the phrase hell no with me.

Your assumption here is a problem. You assume that the commenter is looking for a prize. They aren't. They are saying they don't need to apologize for sympathy and empathy which is offered without reward to all walks of life. That the automatic assumption (on your part, it would seem) that they are saying these

I thought it was a wonderful piece, but I sincerely doubt that most good white people—or at least the good white people who run in my circles—believe that they "deserve a fucking prize." I think they're expressing empathy.

"after writing well over 200 pieces on this program I am insulted when you say myself and others probably have no idea what we are talking about."

Yeah, that's impressive but unfortunately it means nothing. I could write well over 200 pieces about brain surgery, but that still doesn't mean I know what I'm talking

Dudes! Chill!

Ignorance is bliss huh Dave. There's a reason you don't hear about what we did, it's classified.

Tyler, this is as good a place as any to give you a heads-up that Scaled Composites ARES mini-A10 has been flying a lot lately, and there is speculation Northrup (owns SC now) is looking at it as an alternative to the Scorpion. It would make a great man-optional RC anti-armor platform, perhaps controlled by ground

Look, frankly, if you are not an aeronautical/hydraulic/electronic etc., engineer involved in this program then you really don't have any idea of what you are talking about. You and every other armchair quarterback should put that chair into recline mode and take a nap. Let the experts work this out. I'm just glad I

Having decades of experience with LockMar's military products (Submarine sonar), I can honestly say this is par for the course. It is VERY common for a new weapons system to have faults out of the gate and the more complex/expensive they are, the more faults possible. Moving forward they prove themselves invaluable

Every single Sennheiser wireless headset model vastly outperforms beats.

I would say, based on my (granted, fairly limited) experience in a semi-high-end hotel restaurant with really cool decor, that the constant instagramming and picture taking definitely adds some time to the meal.

Modern smart artillery can take over some of the roles too, for that matter, especially tank plinking and danger-close CAS.

Light is additive. It is things like inks and paints, with their absorption of particular frequencies, that are subtractive.