
Why do the majority of people who post gameplay to YouTube insist on mixing music over the gameplay sounds? At least it isn't another 'elite sniper' video with Let the Bodies Hit the Floor.


Naw, just picking on you. I have a friend who had a picture of herself for her cellphone's background, and we gave her hell for it.

I try to avoid Gamestop. WAY too many bad experiences there. If I need a used game, I go to Amazon.

Quoting yourself is akin to having a picture of yourself on your cellphones background. :P

Now playing

Morning dose of classic video game deaths.

Surprisingly, I was a fan of FFT and eight.

Whenever I do really well in FPS online, I need only log onto and play some SC2 to find my humility.

I agree. I never played Galaxies, but I always thought that the idea that only a certain percentage of the game's population can be Jedi was a neat game mechanic.

Same. I think the smuggler is the healer in this game. Not sure, though.

Stilt. Combat. Club.

The demo for this game was fantastic. I'm glad this series is finally finding its feet.

Great read. I love the self-motivation that Minecraft inspires. I actually use my imagination in that game.

Good stuff.

I'll reply in kind, too.

No but I really want to.

I'd love to see analytics comparing the audience a demo gets compared to the audience a launch title receives. I've always wondered if, in general, the audience who played any given pre-launch demo is larger than the audience who purchased the game.


Now playing

Straight out of SXSW: Super Mario Bros. as an indie film.

We about using characters from Batman's expanded universe?