
Well done, Sam Spratt. Well done.

@Leetirl: John Steinbeck, author of 'Of Mice and Men' and 'Grapes of Wrath', said in a prologue that his entire literary career focused on developing the skills he needed to tell the story he penned in 'East of Eden'.

@MajorPie: The single player campaign in that gameplay, story telling, and acting is really stellar in the game. I'm glad you're enjoying it.

@kyosti23: Preach on. I think I'll play DS. I basically starting from scratch, anyway. I just love turning my wanderer into an archer build.

@vnunes: I mean the cell-shading used to simulate the Tron universe. I think this Tron game looks better—is truer to what I think Tron should look like—than the Tron games for the 360 and the PS3.

I'm divided. Finish Fallout 3; finish Valkeryie Chronicles; finish Demon's Souls; or replay Metal Gear Solid 3, replay Metal Gear Solid 4; or, hell, start Fallout 3 from scratch.

Interesting art direction.

@BeerManMike: Your chariots killed my Apache gunships.

Unless Planetside 2—or whatever it's called—come out before this, I'm sold. Or, I guess free. Or, whatever.

@Eskobar: Yeah, the game got zero press. But there's a reason why. PR 101, my friend:

@SladeNoctis: You and me are on the same page. BC2, KZ3, and potentially Brink are miles ahead of MW2, IMHO.

@Mancomb Seepgood: I agree. Though after reading thru a number of the comments on this post, I don't know why so many people are hating on this game because it resembles BFBC2.

@dracosummoner: I love the style of the art in the FF:Tactics series. And I love the game. I only wish the gameplay looked as good as the art, though.

@gordeaux: To the lay person, Demons' Souls will always be known as 'a hard game'. I believe it's better described as game that serves as a homage to earlier days of gaming.

@sackboy14: Its not necessarily hard, it's just unforgiving and a homage to the difficulties of earlier days of gaming:

@ShatteringLast: It reminds me of Borderlands, but on the scale of PlanetSide.