
I really really want to play my PS2 JPN Front Mission 5 disc on my 60 gig US PS3.

Damnit Sony. So what's the opposite of feature creep called?

@JTF: Sorry bud.

@TylDurden: Ah. Almost forgot about that.

Final Fantasy Versus XIII .

@ryoshi: I'm a few hours ahead of you, but yeah, easing into the battle system shows it's great potential.

@ubikblack: PTO2 for the SNES. The title stood for Pacific Theater of Operations 2, a turned-based strategy game. I bought it for $70 at Toys R Us when I was a preteen, and definitely cried myself to sleep after playing with it for an hour.

@The-Dayman: I really want to see the results of Kotaku's 'most creative destruction' user-submitted video contest.

@jonesey666: I really try not to shop at Gamestop. You're right, I try to pay the devs for their work, not GS.

Sorry, mean to post this.

Awesome! I can't wait to see what designers will do with the sequel.

@Etalyx: Sandbox games aren't really my favorite genre, but I swear, 30 seconds into the PS3 demo for JC2, I thought this game need multiplayer.

@Lnin0: Seriously.