They kind of have to since they can’t use those two images:
They kind of have to since they can’t use those two images:
He’s as white as George Zimmerman is.
I’ve been playing all day and my god is this a game fighting me in wanting to love it still.
Except that Kavanaugh is a talentless hack who has always gotten where he’s at by being a repulsively reflexive toadie. He was never a trial lawyer. He was never a judge until Dubya installed him as a federal judge in payment for all his work to insulate W’s administration from the Torture fallout. And he got that…
Wouldn’t it be great if that’s how it actually worked? Except we know now Bart is a raging a-hole sycophant and that’s not how this will play out.
There is a reason why games like this are available as a pre-load up to a week in advance.
i am fairly sure that happens when your drive is fragmented and it’s moving stuff around so the game can be laid out contiguously
You are significantly underselling Dr. Oz. Also the airtime she gave to Jenny McCarthy.
“3. Fuck you, Mueller.”
You can also be terrified that he’s just playing for a contract after damaging his own value so much last year.
You’re missing the point: If they were just running a regular show for regular paying civilian fans in Saudi Arabia without government involvement, it would be a non-issue, just as it was a few years ago. Taking the money and doing propaganda for them is the escalation.
A Google search for “Patrick Mahomes raw” turns up 106,000 results.
How The Fuck Did So Many Teams Pass On Patrick Mahomes?
* Me trying not to put all of my faith into the Raps and Leafs hot starts because as a Toronto sports fan I know they will break my already brittle heart again come the spring*
his quad injury was a matter of quantum uncertainty
Screens are silly in a car at the least, and dangerous more than likely.
Hey now, what’s with the defeatist attitude?
Are conservatives no longer pretending to care about Constitutional rights?
They asked him to leave. He was going to get away with no problem. Instead pulls out gun...and leaves? Which is a crime? So much to unpack here.