
I think the best part is that it is terrible, but at the same time, entertaining. It feels like it is authentically trying to make a serious point about the relationship between the genders, yet at the same time, shows a bizarre unawareness of how human beings relate with each other. I think it was an earlier AV Club

Without a doubt, my favorite part of this episode. A fully extended arm with a stiff hand on the shoulder. Nothing says compassion like that.

I think we're all thinking the same thing: Pop pop, my friends. Pop. Pop.

I recently went back and read this series, as well as a couple other D&D novels I liked as a kid. This one I found to be startlingly effective, even from the adult perspective. Not so for the Drizzt stuff. I tried to read a couple of Salvatore's novels, and wow do they stink. Besides the poorly drawn characters doing

She better not Britta this.

The question was, is this your handwriting?

Say what you will about the crappiness of the special effects and the overly serious tone, at least Lee was trying to say something with this movie. Now, it seems like all super hero movies have gone back to just being boring wish fulfillment fantasies.

This can only mean one thing: Pootytang, the TV Show