
Considering I played my steam copy of day z once, I could see myself doing this.

Looks like my computer is finally outdated :(

Holy crap those specs are high. My PC is just about on par with a PS4 in terms of power, but it looks like my PS4 is going to have to be my choice for most games going forward.

My only thought is this: examining violence in games, and how we react to it and why is important, but it's hard for me to muster that effort when there's something about this game feels fundamentally dishonest. I realize that may sound absurd, but... it screams marketing gimmick, and not a very good one at that—I

I have grown tired of the commonplace gore added to games in recent years, and for some odd reason after my son was born, I actually just don't have the stomach for it anymore. I mainly speak of God of War and Mortal Kombat type gore...the kind added for shock value alone. (I took major issue with this in the recent

I shall be writing about that very phenomenon shortly before shipping the review monitor back to AOC. :)

Can I just say how surprising it is that this game along with Wolfenstien: The new Order (both of which I knew nothing about other than the title and was ready to write off) are really good and the big hyped up games like Watch Dogs and Destiny were underwhelming at best? This console generation thus far has been one

i don't think i've said "Yup" to something 30 times in a row like i just have i quite some time. Well written, Kirk!

Mordor? More like Mordough, am I right? Guys? ...Hello?

They still haven't really explained how the hell they plan to support animation or dynamic content. And I also have doubts about their fundamental rendering process - they claim to have solved the memory bandwidth problem, but they never said how. It definitely feels like a scam.

Am i the only one that hates the idea of games looking like real life?

Honestly don't see how people are mad at this, it's like we forgot how the old Blizzard Entertainment ran. If they don't like it, no matter how long they are working on it, they will, and can cancel it. I'd rather them cancel it then put forth a game they don't feel passionate about and don't feel like can stand on

I think they realized they had a "Destiny" on their hands: a bunch of cool ideas that just didn't add up to a very fun video game.

I keep thinking of that quote from the announcement: "We dug deep into the concept, and we just couldn't find the fun." This quote keeps popping into my head as I play Destiny, and I wonder if anyone at Bungie ever stopped to consider that perspective.

Don't quite get how people are mad about this. All we have are second hand accounts of what people thought and no actual gameplay. It may have been a cool idea or looked a bit like TF2 but it may have just been shite and boring.

That is so hilarious especially since the teabagging went on for so long. Who teabags for that long anyways? Lol.

His teabagging form is so.. vigorous. I don't think the day will ever come that I see someone teabagging and don't chuckle. Even when it's my body- it always inherently leads to even more hilarity.

Unreal Tournament (UT99)