
This is my favorite Final Fantasy and I get ragged on by my friends for that all the time. These artwork sent tingles to my cheeks and spine!

Starcraft: Ghost was a TPS, not an FPS.

While I don't think it's crap, I'm really happy we're finally getting there. Those were pivotal games in terms of movement.

What kind of sucks is that like it or not, these guys are getting the exact public and press response they were looking for. If they do bring this to a popular market place, even if it sucked a lot, people would buy it.

The face actually seems pretty... well.. off. It looks like somebody—but certainly not Harrison Ford. Unless I'm missing something here.

I feel it's my obligation to mention Monolith's brilliant followup to AVP, AVP 2—which added brilliant multiplayer modes and first person chest bursting and what I think is the best campaign(s) to ever grace the franchise.

This is the best analogy I've heard for MOBAS. Also points to why I may just be so damn terrible at them.

It's legitimately some of the worst VO work I've seen in a AAA game. It's like he didn't try.

Accountability seems to be a lost concept on Pitchford. Even if it wasn't his mess, which of course, some of it is, the humble thing to do is be accountable. But of course that would require him to not be a steaming pile of dog shit.

Haha, I know these guys personally. 3GI is a great group of folks from my city (Milwaukee) I recommend all their stuff. They have a lot of fun.

I don't know, nothing really compares to Lara's hair in the TressFX setting on the PC version of Tomb Raider (2013). Nvidia worked with them to make individual strands react to environmental physics. It was almost uncanny valley.

Hey Chris, thanks a lot for reporting on us and a big thanks to Marc Laidlaw for the exclusive screenshots. Take care!

There's always one guy in these sorts of cultural "surveys" that says "because my countrymen are dumb" and I think it's both hilarious and sad.

Yeah I think he's talking about this real estate blog's info-graphic. Gotta yell at somebody, it's the internet.

In my neighborhood this would just get stolen in one night.

Someone please notify when they make "Brutal Soldier of Fortune 2" — I want to make people in the same room literally puke.

I assure you you're not. I have to guiltily admit to liking binding, drawing and the riduclous LBs. I like the art style, characters and plot a lot more. Sure, I have those rose tinted Goggles but I enjoy the hokey narrative and relate more to my party members than I ever did in seven. I think 8/9 are my favorite 3d

Don't want the enemy to think we have weaknesses like politeness!

A lot of military/marine lingo was made apparent to me by the book/HBO miniseries Generation Kill, actually.