
Isn’t the staff of Gawker Media like 90 percent hipster?

Wait, so you are saying that if you have a statistic (in your case made up) that suggests a certain race or religion is more likely to engage in a certain type of harmful behavior, it is perfectly ok to make blanket statements about that race or religion? Does this apply outside whites or Christians? Does the fact

Attacker was a Muslim Somali refugee armed with a car and a machete.

Nice display of pathetic white guilt and “progressive” virtue-signalling, though. You get 2 Jezebel SJW Brownie Points!

The entire election became a shit show with the media feeding a constant narrative that left-leaning people wanted to hear/believe. If there is one thing that everyone loves, it is to be told that their hatred of something is justified. Per the Southern Poverty Law Center, the KKK’s membership is 6,000 people in

You mean something’s not my fault for once?! There might be a God after all!

It is satirical, but it’s also true. Trump played racists to cement their vote, but I don’t believe he’s any more so racist than I believe he has articulated thoughts on anything. At worst, he’s probably about a racist as any other 70 year old white man in America, which means he’s as racist as the times he grew up

Exactly! Call the thought police, this man has an opinion we don’t agree with. It was a joke? Can’t be too sure! A moral realignment program may be in order.

I don’t think most of his voters think that he can singlehandedly reverse globalism. I think the voters were just tired of all the other politicians telling them that the jobs were never coming back and to basically get over it. Trump was willing to be a voice for these voters and while a voice alone is not enough to

There’s a swastika in a Brooklyn playground that loves your comment, though.