
It’s common sense. They should all receive the Darwin award this year. Stupid people die in dumb ways. It happens all the time.

“Ironically, this is what republicans want: no regulation. Yeah, remember in the 1800's when cities regularly went up in flame? The good ‘ol non-government intervention days?”

Add in rent control.

“Here’s some Americans who literally died for freedom from gov-mint control, actually.”

“artists and activists are undervalued and underpaid.”

He kept saying it was a non-profit in his interview. Progressives say a lot of dumb shit when it comes to finance and economics though. You can’t take them seriously.

“He’s “in a poverty of self worth” though. Okay, dude.”

He is probably the most hated idiot in America at this point. Some drugged up losers that post on this site think he is cool though.

The world is generally good. Progressives are selfish assholes though.

You are dumb.

Sure it does. Either the men have to accept it or move. The women are actually being liberated.

“Freedom has to be democratizing and localized, not top down and authoritarian.”

We definitely need to focus on identity politics. Divide and conquer is where it is at. Long live the State and the Corporations they support.

Lay off the drugs.

“I’m HIGHLY uncomfortable with thw government telling me what to do with my body, period.”

Cool story, bro.

Sit down when you pee, bitch!

“Good feminists don’t tell other women how to live their lives.”

LocomotiveJones is the best. I may be the best at driving people away though. Just ask Eagle Gosselin aka Sqarr.

“Literally millions of women voted for Trump. Are they not stupid?”