
“Because the facts dont matter to them! Dems need to figure this shit out. The feeling and vibe matter so much more.”

The education system was destroyed by progressives. They have had control of it for decades. They have wiped out all competition in the industry and created brainwashing institutions. It is why you are so stupid.

Socialism never took hold because we never had a population stupid enough to go for it completely. We have accepted it in small doses which has ruined industries.

Why stop at $15? Why not $150? Then we will all be rich.

“Hell, I had someone arguing with me that we could compete with China in industry. He didn’t have any answers when I pointed out how very hard and expensive that would be, as well as pointless.”

“I think I’ll go 2nd amendment on their asses.”

That was a sick burn! Did you cry like a little bitch when you heard that?

So maybe you should take any history narrative with a grain of salt.

Is this special snowflake upset people are making fun of them? Hahahahahahahahaha!

Shit! Do you realize what site you are on?

“Do you know that Black people can ourselves be politically aware?”

She’s hot. Have you ever seen a feminist? Fucking gross bitches.

She is hot. Better than anything you have ever banged.

“They don’t give a shit about facts.”

Shut up, Racist! Kara is black, so she is right. I am guessing you are a privileged straight white guy whose fee fees are hurt.

Ha! That is such a bullshit number. The answer to that question is nobody knows. You stupid fucks will believe any statistic you are given.

Kara is not the sharpest person.

You write like a retard.

Most people don’t know rap was created in Scotland.

Hi Eagle Gosselin. You are my fucking bitch. Never forget that. I just wanted to remind you.