
They used to love us though...

I had to hit "see other replies" to find out your answer. It was worth the extra click.

What sort of tone deaf socially incompetent buffoons need to have these obvious protocols spelled out for them?

VLC encountered a problem with Windows

A little disappointed you didn't address the topic of migraines for each point! For instance — do tomatoes cause more migraines if you call them fruits or vegetables? Does microwaved food contain migraines?

The concept of "leftover" beer is completely foreign to me.

Because the web is so short on space that there isn't room for detailed, specific instructions on everything? Five minutes to get it right and not be frustrated for the rest of your life with sleeves that fall back down all the time (this would be me) seems reasonable. If you already know how, of course, then yeah,

Ha! Wow, that never occurred to me. But she's always been happy with old cars, tools, and other things that require fiddling. I bet she's kind of happy with her key, odd as that seems!