
...maybe your son's question was dumb? He Was around 10 at the time, no?

Here’s the list of people who are participating in this fundraiser: Don Cheadle, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Paul Rudd, Mark Ruffalo, and Zoe Saldana. Who is missing from this list?

I had some vague issues with them before, but after reading this I think they’re both complete assholes. Each of those stories about “pranks” they pulled ended with someone uncomfortably reassuring their interviewer that “it was funny” so that they wouldn’t come off as too critical of someone who holds more power in

All us Arkinheads in the forums at Arkin Asylum are sobbing uncontrollably right now.

they dissect specific details momentarily spied in the trailer, wringing a 21-minute episode from three minutes of footage

Well, that’s great news for her, but I hope someone finds some good roles for the actors who played all the other clones in ‘Orphan Black’. They were really talented too!

Hold up, I don’t think I’ve seen Kermit and Daredevil in the same place at the same time...

Don’t put that out into the universe

Wait until you hear how short Mark Ruffalo is compared to the Hulk!

I think it’s about the same as it’s always been for the last 20 or so years (just a bit duller and more hamfisted, although also not as racist or transphobic/homophobic), but I wish there could be improvements. I’ve just sort of accepted they won’t happen, at least not without new producers. Maybe the streamlined

Politicians talk out of Stegrelo's ass 90% of the time?

If you look closely, he kind of question-dodged there, actually. The question asked if removing episodes with blackface in them from streaming services was going too far, and he responded with saying that blackface is always bad, even if the intentions were good, although his Jimmy Fallon position implies that good

Because I like expressing myself, but I also want people to know that I don’t think my opinion on this topic should bear much weight against the opinion of Black folks.

I count myself lucky that the first time I ever heard of QAnon was about a week ago, when I matched with one of their lot on Tinder. She never came right out and said she was QAnon, but it was a fairly obvious conclusion for me to draw (from my subsequent online research) based on our conversation:

Remember how George W. Bush is a war criminal, who lied in order to start an unnecessary war that killed, by some estimates, over a million Iraqi civilians and whose consequences we are still grappling with today? Remember how Bush expanded the intelligence state to a degree that it will be nigh-impossible to chip

I am a big Star Trek fan and am constantly, constantly having to explain to triggered conservatives, horrified that their favorite franchise includes a gay character/a woman in charge/a gay woman in charge/a black woman in charge/a black gay transperson in charge/pick your conservative bridge-too-far that Star Trek is

It’s shocking to me the correlation between right wing views and the inability to create anything resembling good art. Like, Conservative comedians are unbelievably unfunny, conservative music is rife with uninspired, ham-fisted cliches, etc. This isn’t even a personal or subjective thing. When was the last time you

I’m shocked a movie directed by noted liberal activist Rob Reiner would...

Yet another snowflake who thinks there was a time when art and politics were somehow separate.

Oh look, another book by one of Trump’s cronies who was outraged by his behaviour but obviously not enough so to actually do something about it while they still had their job.