Interesting that nobody understands how the constitution works.
Interesting that nobody understands how the constitution works.
Watch this take on it.
Remove those hideous head and tail lights and that thing would be relevant today....
So any money Elon makes to expand his business and employ 1000's of people at every job level imaginable is a bad thing?
And if she gets away after the first clip, the cop get sued if she kills pedestrians or motorists thereafter... who’s at fault then?... nobody can win this argument.
Wouldn’t that be part of the driving skill? So when you take off, you know your limits and move them up as heated tires and aerodynamics come into play?
This is what happens when you land, go drifting on the taxiways to save time and some idiot puts a giant ditch in the track....
Neat. I did not now they made these in Diesel versions.
I’ve learned English in a very ‘proper” British Academy. They never taught “they” as a singular pronoun. To me it is plural. Since the 18th Century many consider it an error.
Metal collapse due to buckling is engineering... not particularly expensive when a part is stamped and formed 1000's of times in a press or brake in a factory. Adding additional metal to support a structure is also not particularly expensive if mass produced.
Lived for 6 months in a Ford Econoline 100 when I came to LA in the 80's.
In an auction, don’t you get the right to inspect the vehicle before payment? Can’t you pay some service to corroborate what’s in the pictures is what you are about to buy if you win?
My 2013 BMW has it’s own mapping / navigation system that I cannot change. If now BMW chose Google maps, why should it be any different?.
One problem with hydrogen was range. I believe I read ( along time ago) that concentration, even in liquid state, cannot be more than 37 % by volume? I think it is due to molecule size... even under metal matrix storages.... thus range sucked.
EXACTLY. He should have been kicked out and some else (wife) accept the Oscar for him and walk out. He should have not been given a platform to talk at all ! and much less to BS about being all about “love”.
I use Femco oil drain plugs.. Same as Stahlbus.
We considered buying one but, except for the top of the line (which was very expensive for what you get), all others had lack-luster dashboard controls for AC/heat/fans.