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The Government already lost if it is any indication by the video I saw last night. If this is true, come next elections these clowns will be gone...

Hmm..... by not being able to work due to the unlawful mandates?

That’s not understanding taxes. You can make a profit in a tax year and not pay any taxes for some time with net operating loss carry forward.

Yeah... and the much hated by the left, President Trump did exactly the opposite...

If I had a small plane, the first thing I would install would be a chute.

Nah... it’s tax galore! It’s ridiculous.

Oh yeah... CA is nuts on taxes. My friends in Texas pay about $2.49 to $2.80.

California... what do you expect? In the Bay Area back in November it hit $6.40

You know what they say... scratch a liberal and you find a fascist.

Or they will lift the mandates you will reap the benefits... by not lifting a finger.

I read the other replies.... so it begs to ask... Do you have proof?

Hahahaaaa... that’ll be starting price...more like $75K with options...

As a kid in Buenos Aires, I met him once at a regular road Parrilla on the Route # 8 heading NW, he just stopped for lunch while we were there...

“Michael Bay-levels of absurdity”...

See... you open the top, a little breeze, bra flies away....

Of course it will.... Cap and Trade remember?

Price in 2008 and 2011 / 2014 were not nearly as bad as they are right now.

Yeah... those are bad.

Conservative of leftist / liberal / socialist news does not make you radicalized.