Those 700 taxpayers will leave the country. And then what?
Those 700 taxpayers will leave the country. And then what?
Assessment tax value and market price have nothing to do with each other.
This Exactly.
How can Google be worth as much as Tesla? IS the right question.
Agree with you. It’s a toy... a serious at that. But for actual work... not with that range.
Nah... they’ll be working on the engine or motor 10 years after purchase... like Blue Origin you know....?
F-Off. I love mine.
Nah... I’ll take my freshly ground, fresh brewed Casi Cielo from Starbucks over any of these wanna-be brews.
I had for the longest time (easy 10 yrs) and electric 115 VAC mulching mower.
“Long haul would be a big stretch with current tech. Both fitting enough batteries on a truck to get a 500 mile range without reducing cargo capacity and building out the megawatt level charging infrastructure that will be required to charge a long haul battery in a reasonable time.”
There is nothing fantastic about this car.
“that houses are more expensive in California because it is simply a more desirable place to live than Texas, because it is...”
Not to mention it devaluates the vehicle.
Nah.. just flash your lights and toot your horn.... HAHAHAA!
Could be advertised as Hot Sale in bring a trailer.
Nah... it’s really like a carry-on built into a backpack...
Getting close to the bridge, I bet the driver was on a wing and a prayer to see if he would make it under...