
Besides all the parallel parking doodads any driver SHOULD know, I think the most important skill would be teaching defensive driving... which they do not do.

So once, I was doing a run in the desert and had the speedometer on my Isuzu Impulse ‘84 pegged on the 5 mph... at 4500 rpms and 4th gear with overdrive.... Similar to this picture:

Cool. I did not know it existed.

Yeah.. the shooting was over the top.


You mean: Completely over budget?... yeah... that sounds about right.

Version 2.0 right here!

I don’t know if it’s accurate, but I did gave me a chuckle!. HA!

Armrests...? Dont care.

None for vehicle features or navigation related.

Take your star!

The Maverick is too long and too big to be a good city car...

Good thing nobody died...

I agree.... for the life if me, the green color (which in the US is the universal color used for Ground in electrical systems) has always been the negative or these felt pads for cars... (they are also embeded with chemicals to stop corrosion leaks from outgassing by terminals.}

Cameras are just the worst thing that’s happened for cops.

I’ve started collecting toys cars of all the cars I’ve owned... It’s hard... sometimes you pay a little fortune.

Easy way not to mix them up again...

I agree. If you buy a used one, battery health is an issue, if you buy a new one, how long will it truly last... specially if you are shelling out big bucks for a new car you might kepp10 yrs. plus.

I can already imagine someone cutting a hole in the bed, dropping a Hemi and doing sub-12 seconds in a 1/4 mile.... because, why the hell not?