
You are not reading it right.

True.... as I’m 3D printing in the office at this moment.

I think I’m not wrong....

I just looked up some figures...

Holly cow, those nostrils....

I Like the looks and interior... that grill though... not quite. Maybe a smooth dark metallic paint or an actual vertical grill pattern rather than lit lines all over...

You oversimplify the efficacy of a baton, taser and pepper spray on a 200 lb. person from 15+ ft. away that is just about ready to stab and possibly kill someone.

I think I should have been a mistrial to be honest... regardless of where you stand.

Agreed. The footage is obvious to anyone willing to see the truth. There is no racial bias. This reporting is BS.

If you did not know, the Phase III trials of these vaccines were conducted within the age group of people to be least affected by the virus (18 ~ 50 yrs old).

Premeditated? Maybe this?

See the reply from

That’s why BMW calls it an SAV (Sports Activity Vehicle) not an SUV.

Yeah... proportionally, the EVOS looks like the Crosstour, but the X6 is only about 8" ~ 10" taller than the Crosstour and the average mid size sedan. A great deal of it might be ground clearance and wheel size.

Clearly, you have not driven one.

Not at all. Plenty of room to get in or out. I use my seat height almost all the away up and my back not reclined and still have about 2 ~ 3" clearance to the roof.

I have an X6 and I’m 6'-3". I don’t hit the roof in the back nor getting in or out.

Now playing

They probably did not have the proper insurance: