Tony B

As a current grown ass adult with some actual and relevant experience under my belt I take note of your comment and submit the following:

Are you a Confederate economic apologist? Who claims it was about states rights and protecting the southern economy? Which was supported by the oppressive enslavement of human beings? What narrative or perspective that actually matters am I leaving out? Southerners who didn’t have slaves? They had it pretty good

Nobody here is arguing that the Civil War revolved solely around the issue of slavery. But it was indeed one of the biggest aspects, and there’s no arguing that. I assume you’re read the articles of secession, all of which mention slavery and the subjugation of black people as main reasons for why they were seceding.

Oh shit everybody... A university student has arrived! Everybody shut up and listen, were all about to LEARN SOMETHING!!

Wow, so taking a History 101 class makes you qualified to determine the motivations of the Confederacy? Well, I guess we’ll just have to ignore the reams of actual History professors who say otherwise.


You missed my point.

Is that why you don’t see many Germans riding around Berlin on the back of a Holocaust XB-9000?

If my ancestors had been enslaved for hundreds of years, later freed but oppressed, and later legally granted rights but still oppressed by a system of institutionalized racism, I wouldn’t think I was being overly sensitive.