
It is being rolled out per the FCC. The spreadsheet of of locations is not easy to read, but it looks like it is becoming fairly widely available.

Text to 911 is being rolled out but doesn’t appear to be universal yet. But yes, if it is available it should be one of the contacts. But you needn’t be an ass about it.

It likely was not highlighted because text to 911 has just been rolling out over the last year and doesn’t seem to be universal yet. But if it is a) programmable and b) using a carrier required to support the program, it certainly could.

There’s a huge disconnect in your comment and a number or others on this thread between the overall statistics on sexual assault and a very specific reality for a large number of women. While stranger rape is not the most common situation it is certainly real, it is demonstrably more common in certain environments

Yeah, but then we wouldn’t be a nation of rugged individualists singled out by God and Ronald Reagan to be the greatest place where no one ever needs government* but instead all can pull themselves up by their bootstraps and homeless and poor people are therefore presumptively just lazy and unworthy**.of anything but

He pretty much used to say the same thing about Alton Brown - that he was one of the few cooks there - only he added that he wondered why AB stayed at the network and intimated they must have blackmail material on him (jokingly). I don’t think he knew AB’s background was in TV before he went to cooking school.

That’s both funny and telling. One of my grad school professors (who was taught by one of the guys depicted in the Oval Office throughout the film) swears that movie is about as good as movies depicting high level decision making under uncertainty can get. The subject matter should be gripping - Cuban Missile Crises,

Depends on what you factor into “really good”. A local semi-chain that is decent (not over the top artisanal/cutesy Portlandia, which is much pricier) called Biscuits here in Portland charges $6.50 for a short stack of 3 pancakes - just the pancakes. A basic pancake/egg/breakfast meat combo plate is around $10. And

Yours is a shockingly common story. There is very definitely a disconnect between what someone who has suffered sexual assault needs and the desire of police to limit their efforts to “serious” cases. I’d like to think it is getting better, but in some places the officers handling these cases have been on the job so

Well, and the sheep run scared in both places.

Just to be clear, its really only people in greater Portland, Eugene and a few other spots who even think they are progressive in Oregon (Washington County sure isn’t, and the eastern two thirds is solidly Republican - it is just also sparsely populated). And no, the largely well meaning, largely white people of

It is so ingrained on me that you should only shop there if you are a member (from way back when it basically was a place only members even thought to shop at, and it was the one of a very few places that sold a serious selection of outdoor gear) that I haven’t been in an REI in decades. I seriously think of it as a

You’d have to know what the offer was. For ESPN, writing a check in the low six figures to avoid a suit is nothing. If she had raunchy text messages as alleged, then a case for a hostile work environment (which is the theory that let’s her go after ESPN) would likely not get resolved before spending a lot of legal

Someone get this guy any newsclips from 1990 to last week about every single person to run for the Dem nomination, okay? The Fox News enabled right wing damn well tried to claim Obama went to a terrorist run madrasa, re-wrote Kerry’s service in Vietnam to make a draft dodger look more patriotic than people who

Glorious turn of phrase (and a good way to spend date night - oral pearl diving, as it were).

Amen. I honestly don’t know why any guy wouldn’t want to give oral generously - it has always been the best part of sex for me and satisfying for my (admittedly limited) partners.

If that’s been your experience, that’s an interesting inversion from what guys like Richard Pryor used to say. He had a great set about how his uncle told him to never do it, it was dirty and wrong - and so of course he did it the first chance he got.

Telling him that? Hell, no, not too aggressive. I’d take it as a compliment to my skills, frankly.

Yeah, I recently started wearing ties again to teach undergrads, purely as a way of distinguishing myself (since I don’t have my PhD yet and I like setting a professional tone). And then started dating again after a post divorce hiatus, and have re-discovered just how much of a turn-on a suited up look is for some

Not just Mormons. Personally, I’ve always found giving oral tremendously satisfying. It is probably in part because I was (and am) socially awkward and desperate to please, but also because I’m a lot more flexible with my hands and tongue than other parts of my anatomy and I can make the pleasure last almost