
Not exactly mad about opening up relations. However, from what I have read a lot of people are pissed that Cubans fly into South or Central America and go overland from Mexico to take advantage of the “dry foot” policy. It has to be galling to know you or your relatives have to scramble over the border and run from

Just to get a tad pedantic and answer this it is worth stepping back and explaining what’s really happening here. The Republicans and the Dems, by virtue of how they’ve done in prior election cycles, have an automatic line for their nominee in every state for the Presidential election. That’s why the nomination is a)

Fits a horrible profile I’ve become way too familiar with. Every elected governor seems to think their shit doesn’t stink and throws a fit when anyone questions them. And sadly it isn’t just the Republicans - while on policy Christie, LePage, Snyder, Daniels, Walker and Scott are hands down shittier, Bayh, Blago, Jay

Yes, the teams own the unis. And the practice balls and tape and shoulder pads (and in college the balls, although my understanding is in the NFL the league supplies the balls and charges players who keep them). So no, Strahan wouldn’t expect to be able to take home his jersey - and as a presentation piece it would

Actually there are some very interesting works on the comparative resources of city states with proto-nations at this time. While an older assumption was that nations beat city states in conflict, more recent work (like Spruyt’s 1994 book, The Sovereign State and Its Competitors) suggests Milan and Venice stacked up

To be even more nuanced, there was no Spain either - rather there happened to be a family holding multiple titles that united a contiguous large land mass in the 15th century, and that consolidation held as a matter of dynastic succession until the era of the modern nation-state emerged in the 18th and 19th century.

The sheer number and scope of them can be for most Americans. I teach political science and we make a point of mentioning how many there are because most people don’t understand how many of their basic services are split up into special districts. Plus, one of the biggest things is people just don’t think of them as

It would take a lot more than three drinks if the stories of her going shot for shot with McCain on CoDel trips are to be believed. Still, probably a fun time.

What I’d actually like to see her pull is one of the best tricks smart, strong women have - getting calmer and quieter in the face of angry men. Controlling men tend to melt down when it happens.

What is hilarious is watching some in the GOP want to assert Rubio is somehow the “Hispanic Obama” when frankly the Castro brothers are such a better fit with that narrative. They are an inspiring pair, and I am on record as saying Julian is Hilary’s most logical VP choice if what she wants to expand her reach,

Actually if you live in a decent sized city you can and should look to start even more local - school board, water district board, party precinct delegate are all ways to build a rep that then let’s you aim higher. But that means buying into the system and working from within - which a lot of the people who are

That was Plato’s problem with democracy. Of course his solution was the philosopher king, and no one really wants that.

Except on 1 for all his talk he’s pro cheap shit from China and eliminating workplace regulations, so he is actually not against the impacts of free trade. On 2 he’s all for banning funding to PP so long as they offer abortions (see his word salad on this). and on 3 he suggests we should be bombing the shit out of our

The pegging, the strip club, the numerous varieties of fucks stated and depicted, the extended shots of Reynold’s naked ass. All that was plenty to score an R, and if it had gone even slightly more explicit the pegging scene/referenced clearly what was going on probably gets them an NC-17 rating.

I did like the constant Reynold’s Canadian references throughout.

Same story for me. I only know of one trans student I’ve taught - there have probably been others, but one trans woman made a point of self-identifying to me. She had been transitioning long enough that between her hair, her physical appearance and name I never would have known. I was really glad she did tell me,

But see, Scalia took care of that. He said the whole militia clause was just precatory, a preface to the actual operative language - a statement of justification but not an operational part of the right. So, it is like it never existed. Of course, he also based Heller not on what the Founders said, but on what modern

ED as a medical condition is almost always covered in some way. But specific pills are often not covered under the pharmaceutical plan for the bulk of people with some ED (the 50% of men over 40 with some difficulty the commercials throw out) unless you buy extra coverage or you live in a state with a mandate to

And mandatory graphic images of compartment syndrome’s impact on a penis (the major side effect all the tags about a 4 hour erection are actually about, but no one ever wants to say on TV because it is pretty horrifying). Maybe some counseling about the potential remorse of having sexual intercourse, too? Or mandatory

Urethral probe, to keep the parallel accurate. Checking for blockages and such.