
I guess when they said “Every girl wants a piece of you” they wanted to make sure everyone got equal opportunity.

Niantic even blocked access to Pokemon GO in unreleased countries even if you have the APK. Just becomes an endless loadfest. Worked well for a good 6 hours after the Australian launch but I guess they werent ready for the massive influx of players.

Who spends the most on any video game related products?

If the Kotaku staff was dropped into a Ready Player One-like world consisting of 2016's games, who would win hands down?

I’m gonna play some Skyrim on my old X360 this weekend. With the news of the remaster coming out, I got kinda nostalgic about exploring the amazing open world game that redefined gaming for me as a teenager.

Does it come with the Preston Garvey impersonator going “There’s a settlement that needs raiding?”

I had a group of friends I trained with with a personal coach for football. After training we’d go to my house and play video games. One day I got into FIFA and I got really good at it. When the group started to play the two other guys got a grasp of the game quickly, but being the more experienced player they paired